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The loud thrilling music pumps heavily down the street as Yoongi pulls the car up to the club and you nervously tighten his leather jacket around you. You managed to find a silver glittery crop-top in your bag along with some tight black jeans and Yoongi offered you one of his many leather jackets. He turns off the car before turning to you with a small smile, clearly sensing your nervousness.

"Don't worry, I hate people and clubs too but I have to supervise those two idiots." Yoongi chuckles slightly as he places his hand on your thigh and rubs it gently. You laugh softly back at him before his door is yanked open and a pair of large hands pull him swiftly out of the car.

"Speak of the devils." You whisper to yourself as Taehyung pulls Yoongi into a tight hug after heaving him from the car. You slowly climb out of the safety of the vehicle and immediately get pulled into a hug by the bright haired Jimin. You laugh softly as you hug him back and glance over at Yoongi who was mouthing for help.

"How are you, babes?" Jimin asks gently into your ear as he pulls away and smiles his brightest grin at you which causes his eyes to turn into beautiful crescents while his smile shows his slightly out-of-place tooth. Yoongi manages to wriggle his way out of Taehyung's large arms and the two of them were now beckoning for you and Jimin to follow them into the club.

"I've been better. How about you and Taehyung?" You quickly change the subject as Jimin links his arm with yours and drags you towards the vibrant club behind Taehyung and Yoongi. Jimin lets out a long, happy sigh as he pulls you a little closer before running a hand through his hair.

"Like the best. He's so funny and handsome and, oh my god, in bed he's just..." Jimin trails off to make a low moaning noise that catches Taehyung's attention up ahead. He turns his head to look at Jimin before smirking and turning his focus back to Yoongi. You cringe slightly at Jimin's words before laughing a little as you enter the club.

"Jimin-ah!" Taehyung calls out deeply as he separates from Yoongi and heads for the dance floor. Jimin giggles before patting your head and skipping off to join Taehyung on the floor. Taehyung stands in front of Jimin and presses his body against him, grinding his ass into Jimin's crotch with a bright smirk.

"Well- if that's how your going to play it, Mr Kim." Jimin growls lowly in Taehyung's ear before latching his mouth onto his neck. Taehyung lets out a small moan and you immediately turn away to find Yoongi who was sitting at the bar and ordering drinks for the two of you. He glances back at you and smiles softly before patting the seat next to him. You make your way over to him quickly, pushing past the odd person or group before finally plopping down on the seat next to Yoongi.

"So they left to go fuck on the dance floor? Typical." Yoongi mumbles as he grabs his drink from the bar and tilts it in the direction of the two boys, a small laugh gracing his deep voice. You roll your eyes and down the drink almost immediately, creating a shocked expression on Yoongi's face. "Damn, you can drink. Another?" He smiles, almost with pride as he tries to get the bar tenders attention.

"I shouldn't but- yeah. I could really use it." You reply with a small smile, your voice straining a little over the loud music. Yoongi orders you another drink as you look out into the moving dance floor of drunk and sober men and women. Some were dancing alone, others dancing in pairs and a couple- like Jimin and Taehyung- were practically screwing in the crowd.

"Do they not have any shame? Like Jimin is full on Taehyung, right now. I wouldn't dare with all these people." You subconsciously mutter, half to yourself and half to Yoongi who actually replies with a deep chuckle as he places your drink next to you. You glance back at the drink with a small grin before downing it once more and wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.

You deserve it. After all the stuff with Hoseok, it's the least you deserve. You could gradually feel yourself getting drunker through the night as you and Yoongi down multiple drinks and even have a shot competition while Taehyung and Jimin disappear off to one of the 'private rooms' in the club to do god-knows what. By this time, your head was spinning and you could barely even think straight so you were practically holding onto Yoongi for dear life at this point.

"Y/N!" You hear your name being called out somewhere near the entrance and slowly bring yourself to turn around and search for where your name came from. You squint your eyes to try focus your blurry vision and frown deeply when you spot Hoseok coming towards you. You gently tap Yoongi's arm as he laid slouched on the bar, currently sleeping and keep your eyes focused forwards while Yoongi stirs slightly by your side.

"Yoongles," You mumble drunkly as you turn to face him for a moment while he groans deeply. "I think Hobi is here. Why is Hobi here?" You slur as you slowly turn towards the entrance once more and your eyes suddenly widen as Hoseok's face comes into view very close to yours. You blink slowly as a bright smile graces his face before his hands are on either side of your face and his plump lips are pressed against yours.

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