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You slowly sit down on the couch against the wall and stare at the now locked door. Your eyes slowly travel to Hoseok who was admiring you from afar.

"Um- why did you lock the door?" You mumble softly and run a hand through your hair nervously. Hoseok grins in a cat-like manner at you as he slowly begins to walk towards you. You feel panic rise up inside you once more and your chest begins to tighten, sweat beading on your hands.

"Rule number one- we are always alone together." Hoseok growls sexily as he glides over to you and sits on the couch beside you. He leans back and extends an arm along the back of the couch while he crosses one leg over the other. His smirk then softens to a bright, genuine smile and he looks at you softly.

Everything he did was gorgeous and graceful. Every movement, every facial expression, every breath. He was an angel and a snake in one. Smooth and dangerous yet soft and safe. His duality shocked you and almost gave you whiplash.

"Your pretty. My parents didn't tell me that." Hoseok chimes softly as he reaches out to you and smoothly glides his index finger up your forearm. You shiver at his electric touch and bite your lip to fight back a whimper.

"T-Thank you. I wasn't told who I was being sent to at all s-so seeing you was a shock." You stutter quickly, your words spilling from your mouth rapidly. Hoseok raises an eyebrow as he draws his hand back and examines you with a light smile.

"You are on lucky girl. Thousands of girls in Seoul- millions actually- would kill for me." Hoseok bluffs proudly. You scoff quietly as his self-confidence and look up to the ceiling. Your eyes are suddenly locked with his as he grabs your chin and moves your head to face him. "Please look at me when we are speaking." Hoseok smiles softly.

How the heck could he do this? How could he go from dripping in sex appeal to being adorable in 0.3 seconds?

He was like some sort of smooth, gorgeous god. Some angel that had fallen to earth and now lived among people. He was gorgeous and cute and hot and you just couldn't keep up with him.

"Sorry.." You mumble softly as you keep your eyes focused on his. Those brown pools of dark chocolate stare straight back into you as his lip thins out suddenly.

"Don't apologise. I don't like it when women apologise." Hoseok sighs as he runs a hand through his soft locks. You nod slowly and watch the movement of his hair trickle through the parts in his fingers. You gulp as he locks his eyes on you once more and lets out an irritated groan. He opens his mouth to speak but a knock rings out into the silent room.

"Master Hoseok? Your father requests you in the eating hall." A young man's voice calls from the other side of the door. Hoseok growls softly and stands up from the couch gracefully. He then glides over to the door and unlocks it before he opens it slightly and glares at the young boy behind it.

"Tell him I'll be there in a sec." Hoseok mutters grumpily before closing the door and spinning on his heel to face you. "We can have our private time later, Y/N." He winks at you, your name rolling off his tongue easily.

The way he speaks your name gives you goosebumps up and down your body and causes you to heat up. You feel the heat build up in your cheeks and in between your legs as you stare at the sexy man before you.

Hoseok then suddenly turns around and stomps out of the room, leaving you sat on the couch. You leap up from your seat and rush after him as best as you could in your stupid heels and long dress. He glances back at you with an unused grin before he stops and holds out his arm to you. You gulp deeply and link your arm with his, then the two of you enter the dining room. Your parents are laughing with each other happily and look up with pleased expressions as they see you and Hoseok.

"Ah, perfect! You've bonded. We were just discussing your moving in to our spare house together." Hoseok's mother chirps as she stands up from her chair. Your eyes widen and you and Hoseok both pull away from each other simultaneously.

"What?" Hoseok tells our in disbelief, voicing the thoughts in your head. You look over at him and then at your parents with a pleading look but they don't seem to notice.

"The Cab is waiting outside and your bags are already packed, Hoseok. You two will live together until the marriage date is set and have time to get to know each other." Hoseok's father pronounces sternly. You see Hoseok tense in the corner of your eye and you do the same.

"Your bags are already done too." Your mother sneers at you. You raise your eyebrows at her and she smiles proudly.

This had to be her idea. There was no way you could survive living with him. No way in hell.

"Go along now. We will visit you in a few days." Hoseok's mother smiles happily as she glides over an plants a kiss on her sons head. Hoseok turns to you and wraps his arm around your waist before he begins to lead you out of the dining room and towards the cab that would take you to hell.

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