Before You Read ❤

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Thank you fellow reader for taking your time to read this book! Hope you enjoy, please do not be a silent reader as this is my first book on here! Leave comments, constructive criticism, and hey *whispers* if you enjoy it, hit that star button!

© Quick Author's Note ©

Please do not copy, translate, or steal my work here without permission! This book was born from my imagination and written from my imagination. There will be some strong language, mature themes, and alike found in this book. I will not glorify any sensitive topics however for obvious reasons. I apologize for any grammar mistakes alike. I plan to re-edit this book when I'm done.

Please flip to the next page to begin reading! Love you already if you do that ^^


2020 Update: This book was my debut book and written when I was quite a bit younger so I apologize for grammar mistakes and cringey scenes heheh

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