2~I'm the A-hole's What??

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The abrupt sensation of falling ended when I fell onto a soft, carpeted floor. I inhaled sharply the smell of cologne, soap, and lilacs. When I raised my head I realized what why I smelled the flowers.

I was in a spacious, grand living room. The carpet was a tan color with black border while four fancy black leather armchairs were positioned in a circle on the carpet around a simple, but elegant glass coffee table. A vase of lilacs sat in the middle of the table.

I slowly stood up and realized I was dressed back into more normal clothes: tight jeans with a light pink sweater top. I ran a hand through my hair and found it up in a ponytail.

Well then.

I turned in a slow circle and realized I was in an expensive penthouse with one wall of pure glass looking out some huge city. A couple doorways gave me glimpses of other rooms, equally as expensive looking at the room I stood in.

Was this my...assignment's house?

I knew the Keeper had mentioned him to be wealthy but like damn.

A small sound caught my attention and I turned to see where it was coming from. I ventured down cautiously through an open doorway at one end of the room that lead me down a short hallway which in turn quickly ushered me into a lovely kitchen of marble counters and tiled floors.

In the middle of it was a tall man hunched over what looked like a toaster and sticking inside the toaster what looked like a... metal fork??

I could only stare as the man reached in carefully with the fork. What an idiot!

A small zing reached my ears just as the man cursed and threw down the fork, shaking out his hand.

I now could see a little of his side profile and holy mama odie- he was hot. What a jawline! His hair was a golden brown with dark streaks and he wore a neat business suit.

And then he turned around, exposing his full face.

Two things struck me at once with equal force.

One- he was more than hot, he was a god. His face was smooth and unlined, filled with youth. His facial features appeared to be chiseled out perfectly by an artist with surreal beauty.

Second- I recognized him ever so slightly. He was...

"The asshole that hit me with his car!" I exclaimed pointing.

The man choked a little as he registered me before him. "What? Who?" He gaped and his head swiveled back and forth as if trying to see where I'd come from.

I honestly had no clue where I'd come from either, but at the moment, that was irrelevant.

I had only caught one glimpse of the face behind the wheel, but it was enough. "You killed me!"

"B-but you're very much alive," the man stammered, still in obvious shock. "You're here... but, like, how? My security cameras would have warned me an intruder was here."

Security cameras?

Geez, this guy was like a billionaire. No wonder he didn't stop when he hit me. These rich people always thought they were on top of the world and could get away with anything.

"Look, miss, uh, I think you have the wrong person," the man's brows furrowed a little. "I'm going to need you to leave."

"You don't even remember killing a person," my jaw fell open. "You're a murderer and you're just going on with life like nothing happened."

"I am not a murderer," it was obvious the man was recovering from his initial shock and a dark look was dawning upon his face. "Listen, I have a meeting in about an hour that I need to prepare for. So please leave while I'm still asking you kindly. You're lucky I'm not going to file a lawsuit against you for breaking and entering."

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