12~A-hole Runs After Me Cliché

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I sat in the corner of the now dark, quiet room, chewing on my bottom lip.

"I feel myself changing. I don't laugh the same anymore, I don't smile the same, or talk the same. I'm just so tired of everything."

I swallowed a small lump in my throat, but the lump only got better.

"Mama don't go!"

I closed my eyes to try and shut out the memories that were now clouding my head in the dark room. I was in a dark room when I'd first heard the yelling.

And then the glass break.

"You never understood me! No one has! I'm tired of fighting. For once I want to be fought for. And you can't do that. You never have. You never will."

I jumped up and burst from the dark room, away from the dark memories it was bringing into my head. My eyes were starting to burn and a wave of homesickness hit me.

A single tear fell down my cheek and I gave a small whimper.

"Will you abandon your only child?"

My mom paused, bags packed and hair tied up in a messy bun. Her cold, empty eyes swept over me. I had been standing in the hallway in my pink nightgown she'd gotten for me on my sixth birthday, four years ago.

"In the wild, the mothers eventually leave their offspring," my mother said in a rough voice. "Guess Y/N will just need to learn that sooner than usual."

The door slammed as my mother left.

A door inside my heart slammed shut too.

My cheeks were soaked with tears now and I wiped them away angrily. I hated being by myself in dark rooms for that specific reason. They brought back memories I'd tried my best to forget.

I had been so caught up with bickering with Taehyung and understanding what exactly my purpose was as a 'guardian angel' that it had drove away those thoughts from my mind.


Where was he?

I found I was walking down a hallway with a single door at the end of it with light spilling out. I drew closer and finally poked my head inside, still sniffing a little.

There he was.

He was staring seductively into the camera, posing this way and that. He was at least wearing some jeans now, but they were unzipped and open, exposing the Lumineux underwear underneath.

There were at least twelve other people there, five photographers, and even more people yelling instructions at Taehyung and writing things down on their clipboards.

For once, though, I couldn't think of how hot he looked at the moment. Don't get me wrong, he looked hot, but honestly I just wanted him to...

To what?

Why had I even wondered where he was and look for him?

What did I expect from him?

Deep down, I had this feeling that he would be able to drive these thoughts from my head I guess. Whether it be him flirting, being an asshole, or fighting with him. Somehow it would drive away the dark memories.

"That's right, Mr. Kim! Perfect!" One of the photographers called happily as Taehyung shifted his posture to raise his hands above and behind his hair to better bare his abs and waist.

That's when his eyes caught sight of me.

I bit my lip as I realized there were still tear stains all over my cheeks and my eyes must have looked red and puffy.

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