23~A-hole's A-hole Ex-girlfriend

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"I want to use your laptop," I declared the minute Taehyung and I stepped into his penthouse.

His brows flicked up in surprise. "Why? You planning to watch porn or something?" He closed the door behind us and carelessly tossed his keys on top of the small table near the door.

"What the fu-" I slapped Taehyung hard on his shoulder. "No you pervert! I just..." I exhaled, trying to cool down my heated face. "I want to Google myself to see what comes up. Maybe on my death or something."

Said pervert's rectangular grin from my embarrassment faded as he heard the reason for wanting his laptop. "Okay," he allowed. "Laptop is in my bedroom."

When he made no move to grab it I gestured. "Aren't you going to get it?"

"Why?" He smirked. "Too embarrassed to go into a man's bedroom?"

I clenched my jaw a little at his jab. "Alright. So I guess if I go right on your laptop there's not going to be anything inappropriate on your search history."

The way Taehyung's face paled slightly sent a thrill of victory through me and I began to walk to his bedroom.

When I heard his footsteps behind me I glanced languidly over my shoulder before my eyes snapped wide open as I saw him beginning to charge at me like a bull in intent to prevent me from getting to his precious laptop that had who knew what on his search history.

"Mother of trucks!" I shrieked and bolted myself down the hall like a rocket with Taehyung hot at my heels.

The moment I entered his bedroom, though, I felt a powerful force tackle me from behind. The last thing I saw before going down to the floor was Taehyung's white with gold lining laptop gleaming on his bed.

Then the bedroom rug met my body gladly with a heavy weight clambering on top of me.

"Taehyung, you asshole, get off me!" I yelled, squirming under his heavy weight helplessly.

"Oh dear, Y/N, you cussed."

I froze as his hot breath tickled my ear. He was laying right on top of me, our bodies matching and fitting together almost too perfectly; his hips pressed against mine, his hard chest resting in the small dip between my shoulder blades, his face resting on top of mine lightly.

What is personal space, am I right?

"Doesn't that mean you need to be punished for breaking one of my rules?"

"Kim freaking Taehyung, get your fat posterior off me!" My whole body was quickly heating up as I felt the hard muscles of his chest move as he shifted comfortably on me.

"You smell good, Y/N," I could hear the devilish smirk on his face as his nose brushed my hair and his hand crept up my arm to my shoulder, shooting electric sparks wherever his skin touched mine. "You using that shampoo I bought you last week?"

"You know what? Feel free to stick as many metal forks in the toaster as you want after this," I grumbled, trying yet again in vain to free myself.

Before anything else could happen the doorbell rang and both Taehyung and I halted our actions.

After a few seconds an impatient knocking fell upon Taehyung's door. A few more seconds later, an annoying yet familiar high pitch whine called in. "Tae, baby? You in there?"

Taehyung's grip on my shoulder tightened ever so slightly. Then he rolled off me and stood up. I flipped onto my back and looked up at him as he straightened his shirt that had gotten wrinkled at our brief grapple.

His eyes met mine and something in my chest contracted at the emotion in his eyes. Before I could quite place the emotion, he turned around and walked out of the room to the door.

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