18~A-hole Thinks I'm Jealous

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"I can't believe this!"

Taehyung glanced up at me but didn't falter in his process of tightening his tie. "What?"

"You're still going to date that woman?" I crossed my arms, scowling. "And you're going on a date tonight?"

"Is this about our kiss the other night?" Taehyung blinked.

That pulled me up short, causing me to lose the intellect to speak for a few seconds. It had been two days since the incident, and I had decided to just remain in the penthouse when Taehyung went to work to ensure my ankle could heal properly. And yes, I was trying to avoid him a little as well.

We hadn't mentioned the kiss or really any of that whole day since then. Every time I recalled it my entire body would heat and flush up and the same irritating emotions of both confusion as well as...giddiness filled me.

What did Taehyung really think of me to kiss me like that? To touch me like that? I'd be lying if I said it didn't sting a little to see him practically ignore the entire incident since it happened, as if he genuinely forgot about it, and now he was going back on a date with that fart-knocker Suyo.

"No," I finally managed the word out of my mouth. "It's about the entirety of your relationship. It's so flipping screwed up."

Taehyung finally seemed satisfied with his stupidly perfect red tie and leaned against the fridge, shoving his hands in the dark blue suit he was wearing. Dammit, why was he so sexy by just standing there?

"Is someone jealous?" Taehyung winked.

"I damn you to eat burned toast for the rest of your days, may all your eggs rot, and may you get hit by a tank on your way to the restaurant," I retorted, crossing my arms defensively.

"There's some frozen TV dinner packs in the freezer," Taehyung informed me, ignoring my angelic curses towards him and slipping on a gold watch that could probably knock a man unconscious if you swung hard enough at the head. "Warm it up when you're hungry, but don't make a mess."

"A mess? Me?" I blinked innocently.

Taehyung wrinkled his nose at me. "I'll probably be back by about ten or so tonight." He grabbed his wallet and keys on the way out of the apaprtment with me trailing after him, limping a little. He paused right before exiting and his eyes darted towards me. "Don't stay up too late."

Then he was gone.

"I'm not a baby," I scoffed. "Jealous indeed!"

I couldn't possibly be jealous of that rich a-hole. Yet, whenever I pictured him and Suyo together, it caused a dark feeling to coil up in my gut. I reassured myself it was because that woman was an absolute jerk. Yes, internally I called her a word something much more colorful than 'jerk' and it rhymed with 'ditch.'

"Still haven't been able to take a darn fork and stick it up her-"

A small beep from the toaster interrupted my dark mutterings followed by a certain smell.

"Dammit, Taehyung, he left mother-flipping toast in the toaster!" I yelled in outrage as I recognized the smell. "No good, dirty son of a-"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

[Taehyung's POV]

Taehyung couldn't resist a small grin playing on his mouth as he drove towards the French restaurant he'd agreed to meet with Suyo.

Burned toast was and always would be an inside joke between him and Y/N. He'd even decided to put some into the toaster right before he left without Y/N's knowledge. She sure as hell would give him hell when he returned that night, and strangely, he was looking forward to that.

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