41~ His Gay Bunny

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Two weeks.

It had been two weeks since the dinner party.

Two weeks since blackmailing my mother.

And there had been no reply from her.

No sign that she would ever cooperate which was concerning me more and more as frequent headaches washed over me, often abdominal pains, and tiring more easily.

Jin had been released from the hospital finally and we'd briefly visited him at his own penthouse (which was just as luxurious as Taehyung's and contained the largest kitchen I'd ever laid eyes. Also, there was the fact I kept finding pet sugar gliders in the strangest places: for example, the microwave).

The injured man was on path for full recovery to everyone's relief, though he had to use a walking stick to help support him at the time being.

I was at the moment sitting on the floor by the armchair watching Yeontan attempting to growl at my shoes when the knock came at seven pm. Taehyung had gotten in the shower about twenty minutes ago and was unavailable to answer the knock.

Yeontan immediately gave up from trying to intimidate my shoes and began to yap at the door, tail lashing back and forth.

I slowly got up and padded to the front door, peering through the peephole.

My mouth went dry as soon as I saw the uniform.

I tore off down the hallway to Taehyung's room before bursting without bothering to knock just as Taehyung was pulling on some boxers, body still glistening a little with water droplets.

"Gah!" Taehyung yelped in surprise and in any other situation I'd probably mirror the surprised screech myself at the realization I'd just narrowly missed accidentally catching a glimpse of his private manliness.

At the moment though I was too panicked to say anything but, "Security is here!"

Taehyung cursed under his breath, quickly yanking on a random shirt and jeans before striding towards the door.

"Taehyung wait-" I began, concerned of the shirt he was wearing, but it was too late.

Taehyung threw open the door of the penthouse with the shirt that read:

'I Got a Dig Bick'
'You that read wrong'
'You read that wrong too.'

"You genuinely scared me, Y/N, geez," Taehyung sighed and I peeked to the entrance where a very Jungshook Jungkook stood staring stricken at Taehyung's shirt, obvious that he had indeed misread the words himself. And it looked like he still hadn't caught the mistake.

I told Taehyung to get rid of that shirt four days ago.

I told him.

But did he listen to his divine guardian angel?

Of course he didn't.

Karma was a b.

"Jungkook what are you doing here?" Taehyung leaned against the doorframe.

Jungkook blinked several times before looking up at Taehyung.

And then, the tall man in the official security uniform with his dark hair brushed back to reveal his strong forehead with intimidation, broke into one of the biggest baby pouts I'd ever seen, transforming his sharp features into nothing but a soft bunny.

"Whoa what-" Taehyung began.

"Yoongi went out to the bar with Jimin and he didn't invite me!" Jungkook exploded, pushing himself into the penthouse and throwing himself on the nearest piece of furniture which turned out to be the couch where Yeontan yelped in surprise and scampered out of the way just in time.

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