20~A-hole and Smartass Are Soul Enemies

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"Mr. Kim Taehyung."

"Mr. Kim Seokjin."

The two men stood face to face with equally stony faces.

Hoseok, Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin, surrounding the men, shifting uneasily.

"Shall we go in?" Jin blinked slowly. Good grief, his face was that of perfection, and it was honestly hot on how he angry he appeared at the moment.

OK, that sounded messed up.

"After you," Taehyung gestured.

"No please, the board came to see mainly you, you should go first," Jin replied smoothly.

"But they invited you, you ought to go first," Taehyung retorted with the tone of jagged rock sharpness.

"You two," Yoongi abruptly huffed. "You're 22 and 26 years old, and you both are acting like first graders! Get your asses in the room now lest I kick them in myself!"

"You're the president of this company," Taehyung met Yoongi's stormy gaze. "You should be part of this too!"

"It's cause he sleeps so much he doesn't count as a president any more," Jungkook muttered snarkily.

Yoongi instantly grabbed Jungkook by the ear, causing the young Head Guard to wince and bend over so he was at his assailant's height.

"Ow, ow, I'm sorry Yoongi!" he whined.

"That's Mr. President Yoongi to you, disrespectful kid," Yoongi growled, but released Jungkook's ear anyways. "As for my sleeping habits, it's because I'm up late working for this company."

Jungkook didn't reply, only rubbed his now pink ear ruefully.

Taehyung straightened his suit and lifted his chin. "I'll go in first then," he gave one last look at Jin before entering the conference room.

Jin dragged his eyes to Yoongi. "Glad to see my 'mom' instinct has shifted to you on the youngsters," he smirked a little and then entered the room as well, leaving Yoongi sputtering.

"He still considers himself as the 'mom' of the company?" Hoseok stared.

"He made the worst dad jokes though," Yoongi grumbled, finally formed incredulous coherent words.

"I haven't seen him for long," Hoseok murmured. "It was honestly a shock to see him the other day when Taehyung stormed off."

"He left soon after Taehyung left, also," Jungkook remarked. "I was relieved that I didn't have to actually somehow make him leave. It was fun to push Jin around when he was with the company, but after what happened..."

"If he left right after Taehyung left," Hoseok tapped a pencil he was holding against his cheek thoughtfully, "do you think he was trying to make up with Taehyung?"

"Jin should know that it's way too soon to try and make up with him," Yoongi sighed, shoulders drooping a little as if some great weight had just been dropped on them. "Jin should've known better, and yet, Taehyung really needs to man up and forgive Jin already. He is the eldest after all and the company is honestly not the same without him no matter how successful or well run the company is."

"I'm a little confused," Jimin broke into the three men's conversation, eyes blinking as if trying to learn how to balance chemical equations. "That man, Jin, used to be part of this company?"

"He used to be the former CEO of this company," Hoseok said in a low voice.

Surprise flickered across Jimin's face. "What?"

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