[Bonus Chapter 2:] Hubby Gets too Fussy

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

"Taehyung put down the baseball bat, I know you're not going to use it."


"Kim Taehyung!"

My husband slowly lowered the metal weapon in his hands reluctantly. "I don't trust him though."

"Yeah, that's obvious," I rolled my eyes, sighing.

I wearily sat down in the living room couch, placing a hand over my swollen belly.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung broke his gaze from the window and shifted his eyes to me, growing slightly worried.

"I will be when you put that bat away and act like a mature, grown adult." Hormones from being pregnant made me especially saltier than usual.

"I am mature," Taehyung protested, waving the bat a little. "What if he hurt Jiwon?"

"She's thirteen, Taehyung, it's not an actual date!" I clapped a hand over my face. "Wait five more years and then you can be concerned. But they're literally just going to the park and spending the afternoon there."

"But did it have to be with Suyo's and Jin's child!" Taehyung wailed. "I will not let our daughter have any romantic relations with their kid!"

I groaned. We'd been through this so many times before.

I was six months pregnant with Taehyung and I's fourth child. Might I add that I hated whoever invented childbirth more than I hated the person who invented textbooks and homework.

Jiwon was our oldest, thirteen years old. Shin was our second oldest, seven years old (at the moment in his usual favorite place: Jungkook's apartment playing Overwatch). Minsoo was four years old and probably at "Uncle Yoongi's" place since he'd taken quite a liking to Yoongi, despite the old man's usual grumpy demeanor.

Taehyung and I had been married nearly fourteen years now. I had gotten a nice job as a waitress in a fancy Italian restaurant downtown Seoul, and had officially graduated from college online. Taehyung (not surprisingly) still remained the CEO of Lumineux though he'd stopped modeling as much since he was married now.

The other seven young men for the most part remained unchanged and always were reliable. At least in my opinion I could always lean on them. Taehyung, on the other hand, was ready to throw fists when Jin and Suyo announced they were dating about a year after all the events with my mother and Mr. Loy.

I still remembered when Jin had picked up Suyo from the airport after her time in America and taken her back to our penthouse for dinner while the other six me and I, eight months pregnant with Jiwon, were there.

At first the two had claimed they were "just friends" but when Jungkook and Taehyung had accidentally walked in on them in the guest room making out...well... that was when Taehyung had actually tried to use the sledge hammer, and when that didn't work he'd bought the metal baseball bat from the dollar store.

No one saw it coming honestly, especially after how much Jin had hated Suyo and had even threatened to chuck that frying pan at her.

I had grudgingly accepted the fact that Suyo was, deep down— I repeat, deep down— was a fairly decent woman after the threat of blackmail washed off her back.

And now that the two had one child, Junsoo, who seemed to have taken a liking to Jiwon who was technically his noona by ten months, both Jin and Taehyung had absolutely no clue what to do. Suyo and I on the other hand couldn't really give two craps about the situation.

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