28~His Dumbass Tickles

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"It's getting a little too hot in here

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"It's getting a little too hot in here. Why don't you take off you sweater?"

I stared wide-eyed at Taehyung.

"What?" I asked, gulping.

Taehyung tilted his head a little, shooting me a soft, charming smile. "If you're too uncomfortable to do that, that's fine too," he leaned forward to press his lips against my forehead.

I closed my eyes at his touch, tightening my arms around his neck slightly.

His lips travelled down the side of my face, leaving a burning trail of kisses with his hot mouth, sometimes skimming my skin with his teeth. He twisted some of my hair in his fingers and tugged gently for me to tilt my head so he could have a better angle along my jaw. His other hand slid up my leg to rest right above my hip.

My arms around his neck tightened as I felt his tongue slip out against my skin and he moved down from my jaw to the soft of my neck.

I whimpered a little, shying away from his touch.

Taehyung pulled back again, eyes wide. "Are you ticklish, Y/N?"


A mischievous smile was creeping along his mouth.

"Hell nah man you try and tickle me I'll drown you right in this tub," I threatened, quickly unlacing my arms from his neck and trying to push away from him.

Taehyung was undaunted and he pursued me, trying to tarp me in his arms again, his eyes locked on my neck.

"Bug off Taehyung," my voice was rising into a shrill screech as he managed to grab me around the small of my back.

It was damn hard to move in this overflowing bathtub of-

"Oh my ghod, Taehyung we left the water running this whole time!" I yelped.

Taehyung's head swiveled around to stare at his bathroom that was now covered in water and filled with white steam. The water was slowly inching into the hallway where no other than Yeontan was jumping around happily in the water.

"Crap," Taehyung hissed and he quickly reached over to shut off the faucet of water.

I shakily touched my face and mouth, which was now a little swollen from his mouth smashed against mine.

"Y/N, grab Yeontan for me will you," Taehyung sighed as he heaved himself out of the tub, rivulets of water streaming down his glorious body and skin.

"S-sure," I stammered a little and I began to stand before quickly plopping back into the water.

Taehyung had crossed over to the closet and was pulling out a bunch of towels. He arched a brow at me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not wearing any pants," I reminded him in a whisper.

"I don't mind," Taehyung smirked a little.

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