22~Is A-hole...Jealous?

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[Taehyung POV]

...With other men.

That's what he was going to say.

I just don't want you with other men.

But he'd stopped himself last minute before all the words were out and Y/N got the implication of his words. He was dating another woman.

At the moment.

He should not be saying much less even feeling such things towards Y/N. He didn't even know when such feelings came up. When he'd first met her, she'd been such a pain as well as half crazy claiming to be his guardian angel— he was still a little muddled on the magical aspect of it all but anyways—and they'd always find one way or another to bicker.

But after some time, the bickering transformed from poking at a younger sibling sort of bickering to something Taehyung enjoyed to see the angry flare in Y/N's eyes. The way her face flushed up when he invaded her personal bubble. He couldn't stop replaying moments they had together at times. And when she'd gushed about Jimin being cute and— what was the word she'd used? — squishable, it'd caused a surprisingly forceful jolt of jealousy to run through him like electricity coursing through him when touching the metal fork to the toaster.

Now, as him, Jin, and Y/N sat together at a secluded booth in the coffee shop with Jin piercing Y/N's face with such intensity and Y/N looking equally as studious upon his face as they tried to figure out each other, Taehyung couldn't help but subtly inch closer to Y/N next to him. He didn't like the way Jin was gazing at her and disliked it more that Y/N seemed perfectly fine with his scrutinizing gaze, even returning it.

[Your POV]

I was certainly not fine with Jin staring at me like a bug under a microscope. Yet I was doing the same thing myself. My head still buzzed in confusion and slight disorientation at Jin's remark a few minutes ago.

"You were the bleeding girl on the street I found dying with the bullet through her stomach."

What did he mean, bullet through the stomach?

What the flipping flamingos?

Taehyung still seemed to be a silent kettle of overflowing anger and something even darker next to me.

"What do you mean, 'bullet through the stomach'?" I finally broke the silence.

Jin blinked twice before swallowing hard. "I was going out of the city, and then I heard something like that of gunshots. I called 9-1-1 while trying to find where the noise came from, and instead, I found a girl covered in blood."

An icy feeling went through my veins.

"I didn't see her face since it was dark, but now that I recall, I believe that person was you, Y/N." Jin sucked a deep breath in before abruptly shifting gazes to Taehyung's. "What happened that night? Really Taehyung, tell me."

Taehyung snorted, crossing his arms. "You should be the one telling me since you orchestrated the whole thing."

Jin's brows rose. "You still think I hired that man to kill you that night?"

"No," Taehyung suddenly uncrossed an arm in a flash and slammed it on the table, causing Jin and I to jump and everything on top of the table to rattle. "I don't think that at all. I think you hired every single man that's tried to kill me since you left."

My lips parted in absolute shock.

Someone had been trying to kill Taehyung?

That would explain why he'd been in such a rush that night he hit me with his car.

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