36~ His Refuge

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Mr. Loy looked in surprise between the woman and I. "Oh, do you two know each other already?" he grinned a little.

A sour taste entered my mouth as I stared at this woman who had once raised me before walking out of my life.

Before she had natural brown hair like mine and often wore jeans with a modest blouse or jacket. Now, she had dyed her hair bright pink, wore heavy makeup, and was dressed from head to toe in furs. I didn't miss the gold and silver rings on each of her fingers either.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N!" The woman (I refused to call her mother any longer) suddenly beamed. "I haven't seen you for so long, how've you been sweetheart?" She began to move towards me.

"Stay away from me," the words that left my mouth were cold and flat. Totally opposite to the raging hot storm of a mess inside me.

"Y/N, this... this is your mother?" Taehyung asked quietly, gripping my arm.

I just nodded as I glanced between Mr. Loy and Jaeun, the woman who birthed me.

Mr. Loy.

She had slept with him.

She had left my family for that man.

"Oh honey," Jaeun sighed, "are you still mad at me? I know I messed up but you'll forgive me won't you? The past is in the past."

"You left," I hissed, eyes beginning to burn as indescribable hate welled up in me. "You never called, you never visited-"

"I did what was best," now Jaeun's voice hardened. "I'm happy now, and if this is about your father and if he's still moping over me than he's more of a loser than I first thought."

"Jaeun, darling," Mr. Loy chuckled nervously as I bared my teeth, just managing to keep from screaming. "Let's be kind shall we?" He glanced at Taehyung who now was glaring daggers at Jaeun. "I'm so sorry Mr. Kim I didn't-"

The CEO's face had become a dark storm of equal fury as me. "We're leaving," he declared harshly, grabbing my wrist and beginning to tug me away.

For once I had no complaint as I trembled in rage at the sight of the bitch standing in front of me whom I'd once cried for at night when I had a bad dream.

How could one be so selfish and cold hearted?

How could one desert her family like that and have no regret?

How could one, like me, hold so much hate for that selfish deserter?

"Mr. Kim wait!" Mr. Loy quickly slid in front of the CEO and I, cutting off our exit.

Jaeun trailed up.

Too close.

She was within five feet radius of me.

Too close.

I couldn't help but hide behind Taehyung like a little girl for refuge, everything in my chest beginning to ache. I was nineteen, yet the very sight of that woman transformed me back into that little girl crying in the hallway, hugging herself alone, minutes after her mother had slammed the door shut and never came back.

"Move," Taehyung growled, almost feral. "And you," he glared at my former mother whose face was unreadable. "Stay away from Y/N."

Jaeun scowled a little. "Listen young man, I-"

"Please pardon my wife, Mr. Kim, I didn't realize.... anyways," Mr. Loy bowed his head a little and cleared his throat. "The main reason I actually came over was because I heard about Mr. Seokjin. I'm sorry to hear about him being shot."

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