38~ His X

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"I feel like we're being followed," I glanced over my shoulder for the thirtieth time.

"You've said that thirty times already," Taehyung sighed. "You need to relax. Just because evidence is against Mr. Loy doesn't mean he's immediately going to kill us."

I scowled. I needed Yoongi with me to say 'debatable' with.

We were walking towards a small coffee shop for dinner through a small shopping center before heading back to the penthouse. Tomorrow night was the fancy dinner and if what Taehyung had said was right, Mr. Loy himself would be there along with my mother and Taehyung's father.

And all Taehyung wanted was a bagel and coke at the moment.

"How are you not calling the police?" I exploded, angry. "That man is out to kill you, Taehyung! Are you fine with that? Are you fine with putting yourself in danger? Do you not care at all?"

Taehyung abruptly whirled around, grabbed my shoulders, and pinned me none too gently against the wall of the building next to us.

"Ow!" I yelped right before he abruptly mashed his lips with mine for three heated seconds before pulling back, leaving me gasping a tiny bit and my head reeling.

"Calm down, Y/N," he said in a steady, low voice. "I understand the situation we're in. And you can be sure as hell that I'm not just standing by as danger grows on us."

"Then what are you doing?" I whispered a little, feeling helpless.

Taehyung pulled back a little, still keeping an arm wrapped around me securely. Our breaths came out in small puffs of white in the chilly winter night, mingling together. "Jin has evidence, but it isn't nearly enough to turn in to the police for solid accusation. But the men who've been investigating these attacks from the very beginning are already digging deeper."

"They won't find anything."

Shock jolted through me and both Taehyung and I whirled around and stared at the tall figure hovering right outside the illuminated part of the sidewalk from the shop lights.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "What...?"

The voice sounded vaguely familiar and when the figure stepped into the light my heart sputtered a little as I instantly recognized her. Taehyung's arm around my waist tightened like python.


The woman before us was not the same as I'd seen.

Now, her hair was pitch black and she wore little to no make up on at all. She was dressed in a simple, yet fashionable, black leather jacket with boots that barely clung to her figure at all.

It was as if Suyo had a twin sister who looked half the girly snobby bitc- I mean, snooty pooty.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung growled, voice low and hard, wary.

Suyo's eyes drifted to me and she nodded towards me. "Wow, you replaced me that fast huh?"

"Suyo-" Taehyung began.

"You should listen to her more, Taehyung," Suyo grinned a tiny bit. "She instantly sensed when I began to trail after you."

Taehyung glanced at me and if I was in any other situation I'd shoot him a smug, arrogant smile. Respect your mother flipping guardian angel once in a while kids.

"What do you want, Suyo?" Taehyung turned back to his ex-girlfriend whom I'd almost taken out with a bronze lamp last time I'd seen her. "What did you mean 'they won't find anything'?"

"Just that," Suyo shoved her hands deep into her coat pockets and jerked her chin up. Her entire demeanor was so different compared to the clingy girl I'd seen last. "Mr. Loy isn't an idiot."

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