9~A-hole's a What?

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"Where are we going?" I demanded, panting as I finally caught up to Taehyung the entrance of a parking garage.

"To my workplace," Taehyung replied simply, snatching one piece of hot toast from my hands and biting into it. "You're right. You should see my workplace and maybe you'll understand better who exactly I am."

"You're an a-hole that burns his morning toast and thinks every girl swoons over him," I muttered loud enough for him to hear me.

"Oh my ghod, it's Mr. Kim!" A squeal sounded across the street and I looked up in surprise as a group of about four girls giggled and waved at Taehyung.

He winked flirtatiously at the group of girls before looking down at his phone, ignoring the little shrieks and giggles as the girls melted at his wink.

"F[13+ word]k you," I scowled at him, annoyed at how quickly I'd been disproven on the whole 'girls swooning' part. Did those girls know how much of a dunder pie Taehyung could be?

"No cussing."

"We're not in your house."

"When you're with me, you're technically in my house."

"What the frick frack does that mean?"

"Shut up, here comes my car."

"Oh yeah, like your car can just drive itself up-"

An elegant silver Ferrari drove itself up and stopped right in front of where Taehyung and I stood, the early morning sun catching its polished surface.

Taehyung flashed me a stuck up, arrogant grin before walking to the driver's side. "Get in," he told me as he entered.

"I hate rich people," I grumbled but obeyed anyways. "And you're so filthy rich," I groaned as we both settled in our seats and Taehyung began to drive off with one hand, the other propped against the window.

"Buckle up," he shot me a smirk. "Hey! No eating in the car!"

Too late.

I had taken a bite of the other toast that Taehyung hadn't taken. I shrugged.

"Y/N!" Taehyung shot daggers in my direction with his gaze.

I nestled more comfortably in the car, taking another bite of the toast.

"Remember whose house you're living in right now," Taehyung warned.

"Remember who you're talking to," I replied.

"A whiny girl rejected by heaven?"

I scowled. "I'm your goddamn guardian angel you little piece of spoiled bassoon, respect me! I am a divine being!"

"Can you fly?" Taehyung shot me a sidelong look.

"Uh, no."

"Can you disintegrate people by just a glance?"

"Well, no."

"Do you make men fall for you with just a seductive smile?"

"Wait, wha-"

"The answer to that would be no," Taehyung grinned. "Between the two of us, I'd be more likely to make a man fall for me than you, Miss Divine Being."

I won't deny that I sulked the rest of the way to wherever Taehyung's workplace was. I gazed out to the tall buildings of glass and metal that reached to the sky; small street shops zoomed past, some of them just starting to be opened. Traffic thickened as we got near the middle of the city as impatient people honked their horns at each other and everyone slowed down a snail's pace.

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