15~Smartass that A-hole Hates

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"Um, is there something on my face?"

I realized I had been gawking at this new man, Jin, for a solid minute now.

"I, er, it's just...no one has really ever... acknowledged me before," I stammered.

Oh mother of tootsicles, that must've sounded like I was some looser no one ever took notice of before. Geez.

"Well why not?" Jin smiled kindly. "You're not that bad looking."

I blushed because...well, the compliment was coming from a very good-looking man. So good looking I was having trouble deciding whether a-hole looked better, or this new man, Jin, looked better.

At the moment I was leaning towards Jin because he was being very kind at the moment. And of the fact that he looked slightly familiar...

"So, uh, are you going to take my hand or what?"

I flushed furiously and let him help me up. I bit my lip to keep from whimpering as the pain welled up all over again in my ankle.

"What happened to your ankle?" Jin looked down with wide eyes.

"It's nothing serious," I half lied. "Who exactly are you?" I attempted to change the conversation. Now that he looked slightly familiar, I couldn't shake this strange, ominous feeling from deep within me.

"Well, as aforementioned my name is Kim Seokjin, and I am the president of a different company called Tranquilité," he introduced himself.

Ah. Another high positioning young man who was hot AF.

Why was I not surprised?

"And you, Miss?" Jin glanced around. "Lumineux is a men's underwear with rarely any female staff. What might you be doing here?"

"Um, I was just leaving," I mumbled half under my breath.

"Not very safely with that ankle," Jin pointed out with bluntness. "Do you need help getting a ride to your house?"

"No, really it's okay," I stammered, still trying to wrap around how the heck this man could see me. "Y-you should go to whatever appointment you were heading to."

"I was hoping to meet Mr. Kim, the CEO of this company," Jin straightened his very wide shoulders. "I have some...matters to discuss with him."


That didn't sound good.

And recalling Taehyung's flurry of fury, now was not a good time to talk to him without someone else getting hurt.

"Now isn't a good time to see, Mr. Kim, I think," I gave a slight nervous chuckle. "Maybe...you can find someone to pass a message to him?" I sure as hell wasn't going to pass a message to him.

"It's rather important," Jin straightened his jacket a little.

"Yeah, and, uh, I'm telling you, now is not a good time to see him," I persisted. By now, most of my tears had dried up and I quickly wiped away the small tear tracks on my cheeks.

Jin looked closely at me and I shifted uncomfortably under his scrutinizing gaze. "Was he the reason why you got injured?" He guessed, right on point.

"Smartass," I muttered in a low voice.

"Shall I report him to the police?" Jin offered.

"Er, no!" I sputtered. Taehyung had been and was an absolute dick, at times. But I most certainly didn't want the police called on him.


I jumped at the bellow behind me and slowly turned to see said idiotic man now appearing in and stalking towards me. On second thought, maybe the police was a good idea after all considering his stormy expression as he stepped into the grand open lobby.

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