1~The A-hole Killed Me?

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[A/N:] If you are re-reading this book please don't spoil anything in the comments for first time readers. Thank you! ♥️
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

I was in a large white room.

I looked around quizzically before looking down at myself to find I was wearing white scrubs, like the ones in hospitals.

Where was I?

What happened to me?

I was sitting in the front row of seats of what looked like a massive, yet vacant waiting room. I shivered at the eerie silence that filled the air.

So empty.

So large and silent.

As if on cue, the sound of a door clicking open echoed through the room. My head snapped around to where a woman clad in white office clothes stepped out.

She had dark red, curly hair tied in a bun over her head and held a clipboard in one hand while adjusting her reading glasses with her other hand. She looked like one of those cliché movie woman office workers.

"Y/N?" She called, her sharp nasal voice piercingly loud in my ears. "Do we have a Y/N here?"

I mean, I was the only one sitting in the room. I swallowed hard and raised my hand timidly like a first grader. "Y-yes, that's me." My voice rasped and I cleared my throat.

"Very good, Miss Y/N," the woman gestured for me to come. "The Keeper is waiting for you."

I stood up, my legs a little shaky.

What happened before I got here? I couldn't recall anything.

As I approached the woman, a chill ran down me as I noticed how pale blue the woman's eyes were.

I daintily stepped through the door that the woman had motioned for me to enter.

Suddenly, the woman vanished and I whipped around in surprise. Nothing was making sense here. I found myself in another large room, this one looking like a library. Just like everything else in this new dimension, world, place, whatever you called it, everything was white.

Including the books.

"Ah, you came!" A high-pitched voice reached my ears.

I turned in surprise to see a little man scrambling down one of the tall ladders that leaned up against the shelves. He wore a light blue robe- a little improvement from all the white, but not much.

"How are you?" the dwarf only came up my elbow.

And I'm 5'5".

"Uh..." I bit my lip, uncertain. "A bit confused. Where am I?"

"Oh, you're in the headquarters of the Afterlife," the little man chirped cheerfully.

I stared at him. "Say what now?"

"You don't remember, but you will eventually." The little man flitted around the room like a little bird.

Just as he said the words, the memory of the pain and the car slammed into my brain. I gasped as I remembered coming out of the club with my friends and walking alone back to my car.

"Now, Y/N, please tell me a little about yourself." The little man hopped into a swiveling chair by a bookshelf, completely oblivious to my startling revelation. A clipboard appeared into his hands out of nowhere.

"Did I die?" I demanded, reality starting to sink in.

"How else would you have gotten to the Afterlife HQ?" The little man quirked a brow in amusement.

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