8~A-hole's A-hole Girlfriend

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I stared at this new woman.

She clearly looked around Taehyung's age-which I just realized I didn't even know how old Taehyung was- and she had dark purple hair with thick mascara and eyelashes that looked about half the length of my fingers. She wore a skintight white dress that was practically see through and hugged all her curves and high heel silver boots that were up to her thighs.

I must have made some noise because Taehyung shifted, breaking the kiss, and seemed to very quickly glance in my direction. Our eyes met for a split second before he turned back to the woman.

Honestly, did she have to be so slutty and...sexy?

I couldn't help but glance down at myself in wrinkled T-shirt and jeans. My boobs were definitely not that big.


Oh yeah, and my hair was an absolute mess.

"Suyo," Taehyung repeated, "what are you doing here?"

"Jungkook told me of some men tried to jump you or something and had almost hurt you," the girl, Suyo, crooned. "I was worried for my boyfriend."

I wrinkled my nose.

Yuck. Mushy mushy mushy.

"I'm fine," he chuckled a little. "I'm getting ready for work right now."

"Oh, could you drive me to work also?" Suyo batted her eyes.

Taehyung paused. "Your work is almost on the other side of the city," he remarked blankly.

"I know," Suyo pouted. "But I just want to hang out with my boyfriend in the car a little more before work."

"You've never wanted to do it before," he replied almost drily.

"Oh fine," Suyo gave an exaggerated sigh. "I guess you don't love me-"

"It's fine, I'll drive you," Taehyung interrupted her and turned to start walking back towards me direction, towards the kitchen. "But I'm going to get some breakfast first."

"She is petty as fu--!" I began to blurt out.

Taehyung's eyes darted towards me sharply and he made a face at me quickly before brushing past as if I wasn't there. Right after him came Suyo and I almost gagged at the amount of perfume she was wearing.

She was a freakin walking perfume shop!

"Could you make me eggs, Tae?" Suyo chirped happily as her eyes landed on the egg carton in the kitchen when all three of us entered the kitchen.

"Make them yourself," Taehyung grunted as he snagged a bag of bread from a cabinet.

"Feel my pain a-hole!" I crowed at him.

"Ah, but I like it more when my boyfriend makes them for me," Suyo stuck out her lower lip.

"I swear, she says 'my boyfriend' one more time I'm going to kick her in the butt," I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

"Shut up will you?" Taehyung glared at me full out.

"Excuse me?" Suyo straightened her back and stared at him.

"No not you, er- oh never mind," he huffed and began to yank out slices of bread aggressively.

I grinned as his agitation was clear.

"A-are you okay?" Suyo frowned.

"Not really, but I don't want to talk about it," Taehyung snapped back.

"Come on, Tae," she soothed in a sickly sweet voice. "We're supposed to be best friends."

"Best friends my ass," I muttered.

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