43~His Smartass' Smartass Plan

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"Ow! Taehyung let go of me that hurts!"

Taehyung sheepishly peeled away his arms from a wincing Jin.

The entire group had finally exited the office after Deputy Wang and his officers cleared out the traitorous ones in the office. There would be much questioning and documents needing to be signed and completed with but for now, we were free.

"I was genuinely concerned you really did sell us out, Jin," Taehyung breathed. "You truly saved us. But...how?"

Jin smiled blankly before whacking Taehyung with his staff none too gently.

Taehyung yelped in pain, rubbing his thigh where the staff connected. "Unnecessary," he muttered, sulking up to my side like a kicked puppy and I rubbed his broad back a little in efforts to comfort him a bit.

"You need to stop thinking I'm out to backstab you all the time," Jin snapped in a hard voice. "First you think I'm trying to kill you and then you thought I sold you out? For what? Worthless paper and metal?"

Taehyung hung his head a little in shame.

Namjoon and Deputy Wang were talking off to the side quietly after directing the witnesses to the police department on the North side of Seoul for proper questioning.

The other five young men hung around Jin and Taehyung, and at the very outskirts, stood Suyo who seemed extremely preoccupied on her phone.

"Come on Jin," I urged, patting Taehyung briefly, awkwardly on his back as he continued to rub his sore thigh. "Please tell me what happened. Everything happened so fast and I want to know every detail."

"Say thanks to Suyo," Jin grimaced a little as he gave credit to Suyo. Said young woman glanced up at her name. "She was a huge mastermind behind the plan."

Now I was starting to regret ever considering to whack that 'mastermind' of hers with the bronze lamp.

Taehyung slowly dragged his eyes to Suyo, swallowing a little. "Why?" he asked softly.

His ex stared him down with airy look. "It's simple really. Mr. Loy found out my plans to leave Korea and I picked up that he was sending his stupid men to try and nab me at the airport. And on top of that, he threatened once again to put me back with my ex-boyfriend. He's pulled that threat once too many times."

"So you went to Jin?" Taehyung frowned a little.

"Basically," Suyo crossed her arms and glared at Jin. "And he threatened to throw a frying pan at me lest I didn't leave."

Jin shrugged, looking not in the least sheepish.

"Long story short," he leaned against the staff, "By the time Suyo had come, Jaeun had already offered me the bribe and I was going to decline. But Suyo pointed out that if I pretended to agree with her for the time being, it would give us the chance to sneak to their house when they went away to the police department."

"How'd you get in?" I blinked.

"About that..." Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck and glanced at Suyo. "I mean, if you get sued for property damage..."

"The Loys are in custody and soon, hopefully, in prison, it won't matter," Suyo scoffed. "Besides, they have enough money that a few broken windows aren't going to be a big deal."

"You broke their window," Taehyung asked slowly.

"Three actually," Jimin added.

"No, I broke two," Suyo stated. "Yoongi broke the third one."

"It was an accident," Yoongi shrugged a little.

"Jaeun said that Mr. Loy threw out his journal though," I pointed out.

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