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[Narrator's POV]

Taehyung kept his emotions carefully blank as he gazed straight ahead.

The only other person there at the moment was Jungkook, who had one hand on his friend's shoulder in support.

"Hey man, it's going to be alright," Jungkook said quietly. "Life comes, and life goes. It's just the way things happen, you know?"

The only response from the older man was his throat bobbing a little as he swallowed.

Why did she have to leave so soon? Was the only thought crossing Taehyung's mind as he adjusted the small rose in his hands, preparing for when he had to go over to the grave and throw it in gently.

"Y/N would've wanted you to be happy," Jungkook patted his shoulder.

"I want Y/N here with me," Taehyung finally spoke. "She was here, and then she was gone."

Jungkook had no clue what else to say. It seemed nothing would console Taehyung. Not even Panda Express or Yeontan cuddles.

The silence stretched on as the two gazed at the grave.

It was broken when a car pulled up behind them and Taehyung and Jungkook turned to see Jin and Yoongi get out of the car.

Jin no longer needed a staff, but the slight limp in his gait told everyone that the bullet would always leave a scar on is body, even if the wound itself had healed over.

"You're late," Taehyung stated flatly. "You're late to her funeral."

"I'm sorry," Jin frowned. "I had some...errands to do."

Taehyung scowled. "Dammit, it's Y/N's funeral!"


After all, there's always a pause before the storm.

Abruptly, the backseat car door smacked open and Taehuyng practically jumped into the air in surprise at the person who appeared, scowling deeply.

"W-wait...." Taehyung furrowed his brows in confusion. "What are you doing-"

"You named a dead bird after me?" Taehyung's fiancée shouted in fury. "Do you know how freaking morbid that is?"

"Y-Y/N," Taehyung stammered, aghast.

[Your POV]

"Y/N, I-"

"Just bury your bird will you?" I snapped at Taehyung, arms crossed, fuming. I caught Jungkook's sheepish look and zeroed in on it. "I can't believe you even let this happen Jungkook," I snapped at him. "You let him name a dead corpse after me."

"I thought you weren't coming back in another two weeks," Jungkook whined at my angry accusation, even going to hide a little behind Yoongi- which failed miserably as the man was shorter and smaller compared to Jungkook. "It's not my fault!"

I had been gone for a three month tour with Yoongi and Jin for promoting Lumineux's newest line of underwear while Taehyung had to stay at home to work. My fiancée had been bitter about being left behind, but hey. It was freaking France and Germany alright?

"Y/N, please," Taehyung once again tried to edge closer to me, whining.

"Who names a bird that dies after they're ghoddamn fiancée! That is so morbid and screwed up and I have absolutely no clue what to make out of it!" I exploded.

"I couldn't think of any other name!"

"Why didn't you name it Jimin?" Yoongi smirked a tiny bit.

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