6~A-hole's House Rules

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I quietly watched the red and blue lights flashing outside the window as the police dragged away the two men in black to prison. Apparently the man in violet, Jungkook, had caught the other man in black struggling with a bodyguard and had quickly knocked the man out.

I straightened up from my place on the couch as the front door swung open and Taehyung and Jungkook entered.

"Yes, thank you sir," Taehyung nodded to the police officer outside before shutting his door tightly.

Jungkook let out a loud exhale and flipped his hair up before half leaping half falling onto the couch.

I yelped a little and scrambled out of the way at the last minute and landed on the floor with a thump to avoid getting smooshed. I looked up to see Taehyung looking directly at me, an emotion flickering across his face, before shifting his gaze to Jungkook who was wriggling around happily on the couch.

"Jungkook, take off your shoes before sprawling all over my couch you dimwitted harpy," he scolded.

"Ah, and who saved your ass out there?" Jungkook tilted his head a little to glance at Taehyung with a slight smirk. Still, he kicked off his shoes obediently.

"Tell me, Jungkook," Taehyung began hesitantly. "Is there anyone else in this room aside from us?"

Jungkook had closed his eyes, his dark lashes brushing his cheekbones. "Mm? No."

"Are you sure?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "You wouldn't lie to me would you?"

Now Jungkook's eyes opened again and I couldn't help but notice how young he was for the first time. His eyes were wide and a soft brown color and yes, he was pretty darn cute too. He straightened up and looked around, his gaze sweeping right over me without a pause as he scanned the room.

"I don't see anyone," he stated. "I can check the rooms though, just in case if that makes you feel better."

"No, it's fine," Taehyung shook his head quickly. "I'm going to bed. I have a meeting with Lacune's chairman tomorrow morning to sign the partnership contract."

Jungkook frowned. "Why don't you postpone that, Taehyung? Tonight's been rough and yesterday you said you had that argument with Su-"

"I can't," Taehyung cut in abruptly. "I won't. This is an important and very strategic move for both companies and took a lot of work to arrange. Yoongi and Hoseok would kill me if I somehow jeopardized the signing."

"Yoongi would kill you if you just woke him up," Jungkook grumbled under his breath.

I was slightly curious in whom Taehyung had a fight with yesterday. Was that why he'd had been in such a bad mood when he came back? But then again, practically my short time with him so far he was in a bad mood the whole time.

"Anyways, we're all going to bed," I didn't miss the stress in 'all' and how his eyes flickered directly at me, "so see you in the morning Jungkook. Are you going back home?"

"Are you kidding me?" Jungkook nestled back down in the couch. "I'm not leaving you here by yourself. I'll be watching your back."

A few seconds' later soft snores filled the room.

"Who's he?" I asked, risking speaking though I was almost a hundred percent sure by now that only Taehyung could actually hear me. "He's pretty hot."

"A very close friend as well as the Head Guard of mine," Taehyung replied shortly. "Hands off him. Now follow me."

"Geez, no 'please' or-" I began.

"Y/N," he snapped impatiently.

"Asshole," I exhaled and obeyed him as he led me down a hall and then ushered me into a grand bedroom before shutting the door shut tightly behind him.

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