5~Saving A-hole's A... Sort of

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"Taehyung, open up! Taehyung!" I pounded the door hard.

There was absolutely no answer.

"You have got to be kidding me," I panted. My head snapped back and forth as I continued to hit on the door as hard as I could. I half expected the two men in black to appear at any moment. I took a deep breath. "KIM TAEHYUNG!"

I finally heard some clattering around inside and I straightened as the door slammed open.

"Y/N? What the hell do you want?" Taehyung demanded, poking his head out.

I opened my mouth but no sound came out, as I was busy staring at Taehyung's bare chest. An elegantly carved muscular chest dipped down to a firm stomach, contracting muscles as he breathed. His loose pajama pants hung low on his waist exposing his deep v-line and his hair was messy and stuck up in a few areas.

Damn he was a seven-course meal.


A sudden sharp pain sprouted in my head and I yelped involuntarily and felt myself falling only to be caught. I couldn't understand was happening, but a flood of images and scenes passed in front of my eyes.

Two men.

Dressed in black.

One held a pistol.

The other a huge bag.


Coming closer.



"Y/N! Hey! Easy girl."

I swam back to reality at the feeling of being shaken.

"Hey, what's going on?" I blinked rapidly to see Taehyung staring at me with genuine concern written all over his face. It softened his features and made something in my racing heart to beat all the more faster. "What's going on?"

"Th-they're coming for you," I choked out, still trying to catch my breath. I was struggling for breath like I had been running a marathon. "We have to run."

The echoing word 'run' kept blaring in the back of my mind.

I didn't know who those two men in black were, or their purpose, or intentions. But Taehyung was in danger, that much was certain, and we needed to get out of there.

But Taehyung only shook his head. "You're some psycho who got out of some asylum aren't you?" He muttered under his breath, though he held me tight to keep me from completely falling on the floor.

"I'm not kidding around Taehyung." I was finally beginning to catch my breath though the sensation of danger approaching enveloped me like an unshakeable blanket. "There's two men coming for you right now."

His forehead creased a little. "What are you-?"


Both him and I's heads snapped to the yell.

My throat dried up to see one of the men in black at the end of the hall, slowly approaching us with a gun directly pointed at us. Or more like Taehyung, as he was the only one the man could see.

Taehyung slowly released me and stepped back from me, raising his hands in the air. Yet his eyes had darkened and were calculating, sending off menacing waves.

I staggered a little, trying to regain my balance. My head still hurt and warning bells were ringing like crazy in my head.

"Look, Mr. Kim," the man in black said in a low, cold voice. "Let's not make this more complicated than it already is. I'm going to need you do exactly as I say."

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