39~ His Love vs Her Love

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Taehyung looked eerily blank with dark eyes fixed on the entrance of the grand hotel we were standing before.

The white structure was at least five stories high and lit up with golden lights everywhere.

I shifted a little uncomfortably in the dress I was wearing under the warm coat Taehyung had let me use.

Earlier today Taehyung had insisted I buy another dress for the dinner party and even got the other five young men to come.

Simply put: it was a disaster.

Hoseok kept choosing puffy girly dresses while Namjoon had chosen the skimpiest of dresses that Taehyung had eventually kicked him out of the 'choosing Y/N's dress squad.' Literally.

Jimin and Jungkook's tastes were the closest to mine, but it was surprisingly Yoongi (who'd been pouting for having to come in the first place) who chose the winning dress: a deep red one-strap dress that hugged my upper body before cascading into a long skirt that swept to the ground.

Now it was 9 pm, we were all about ready to head in with clothes of the finest. I had to admit, as I glanced around the six young men around me, they were all rivaling each other in looks.

"Alright, enough standing around," Hoseok exhaled. "Let's go in shall we?"

Inside was the most massive lobby I'd ever seen. Gold lines crisscrossed over the black tile floors while obsidian marble pillars rose from the ground to the ceiling. One wall was purely a silver and white waterfall.

"Do you see Mr. Loy or your father, Taehyung?" Jungkook sidled up to Taehyung's side as the CEO was taking off his coat, eyes scanning.

He just shook his head, now helping me with my own coat.

I glanced worriedly at Taehyung. He'd been so quiet since last night after Suyo's encounter. To make matters worse, I had a headache at the moment and was having trouble focusing on the task at hand.

Find my mother.

Tell her the truth.

Save Taehyung.

Taehyung tugged at my arm, breaking through my thoughts.

"Huh?" I turned to him who was gazing solemnly at the main floor of the lobby. "Do you see your father?" I asked softly.

"No. But I see your mother."

My heart stuttered a little and as if on cue my head ache increased a little. It had been so long it felt since my last episode of being in pain or hurting. My body seemed to be doing fine in the 'mortal world' for at least another week, so why was it acting up at this time specifically now?

"Y/N, are you sure you don't want me to come?" Taehyung frowned a little, cupping my face in his large hands briefly. "You still haven't told me what you're going to do."

"I will sometime," I replied vaguely, my heart rate increasing as I zeroed in on the woman with a tight teal dress that was totally inappropriate for her age. A net of pearls in her hair sparkled in the lights.

Did I really want to do this? I thought quietly to myself. Did I seriously have no better option?

As if on cue Jaeun shot a group of women who were slightly underdressed with simple gowns a sugary smile before flipping her hair arrogantly at them, pointedly flashing her silver rings.

I set my jaw. "Stay here, Taehyung," I told him softly.

"Y/N," Taehyung touched my shoulder briefly. "Be careful alright?"

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