13~A-hole Does Something Not So A-hole

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"I'm hungry," Taehyung announced, breaking the silence and stretching a little.

He and I had eventually broken our embrace and had stood around a little awkwardly for a bit.

"I was supposed to have lunch break after the photo shoot anyways," Taehyung tilted his head a little. "There's a nice café a little ways from here I like to eat at."

I glanced up at Taehyung, unsure of what to say.

"Of course, if you want to just keep sitting on these stairs for the rest of...how long, you can do that too," Taehyung stated as he began to head down the stairs. His usual teasing and infuriating composure was back.

I didn't know exactly how to explain the feeling... but I was glad he was back to his normal attitude for a bit. When he was kind and more genuine, it made my thoughts muddle in ways I couldn't quite explain.

We headed out through a back exit, and were back in the parking garage in no time.

"Will you have to head back soon after lunch?" I asked him.

"I already told you, I cancelled all plans this afternoon," Taehyung glanced down at his phone. I caught a glimpse of "Missed Calls (7)- Suyo."

The sight made something in me twinge a bit though I couldn't quite understand the feeling. Probably just my usual irritation with the spoiled brat that somehow managed to get good with Taehyung.

Ah shit, did I seriously just think that?

We got into the luxurious car and Taehyung drove us off out of the garage and into the city.

"I usually buy my food from the café to go and head to the park to eat my lunch there," Taehyung remarked. "You fine with that?"

I blinked in amazement. "Did you really just ask me my opinion?"

"No, it was a rhetorical question," Taehyung replied curtly. "Whether you like it or not, we're going to the park when we grab our food."

I giggled a little. He really had asked me m opinion about something finally!

Hang on, why was I giggling though?

"Why the heck are you giggling?" Taehyung voiced my very thoughts, shooting me a look.

I decided to keep smiling just for the sake to see his bewildered and slightly annoyed look.

"Cut it out, Y/N," he growled and reached over to push my shoulder. "You're like a school girl."

I let out another bit of chuckles. The dark memories were finally beginning to fade out and I was starting to feel genuinely a little cheerful now.

"It literally sounds like a dolphin when you chuckle."

Now my smile faded a little. "Hey! Dolphins are my favorite animals! So if you're trying to insult me by saying I sound like a dolphin, then you will very much fail."

"Really?" Taehyung glanced at me. "So if I say your breath smells exactly like dolphin you won't feel at all insulted?"

"Screw you!" I quickly turned away from him, cheeks burning a little.

"Ah hah! So I did very much insult you there," Taehyung crowed in victory. Then in a more serious tone: "But like seriously, when was the last time you brushed your teeth."

I took a deep breath and lifted my chin defiantly, though still looked out the window with my head turned away from Taehyung. "I am an angel! We do not need to brush our teeth!"

"Oh trust me, you need to brush your teeth," Taehyung snorted.

I glared at him. "Oh? And your breath smells just like mint now does it?"

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