37~His Tweety Bird Underwear

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Everyone watched with differing degrees of blankness as Jimin rolled on the floor of the hospital, splat in the middle of the hallway, laughing his head off with jerky chuckles that shook his entire being.

"The joke wasn't nearly that funny," Namjoon muttered with a sigh.

"But it was..." Jimin gasped out. "What do you call yourself when you....when you stand between two llamas?"

"Oh for the love of-" Jungkook face palmed himself.

"Llamanated!" Jimin wheezed out as another round of laughter seized him.

A small chuckle escaped me but quickly died at Taehyung's dark look.

"Don't encourage him please," he sighed heavily.

Hoseok seemed slightly amused, chuckling a tiny bit himself; Taehyung and Jungkook looked like someone had just told them that they were going to the club to watch a chicken pole dance; and Namjoon looked about ready to hurl himself out the next window he saw.

"Alright, can we go in now?" Taehyung exhaled heavily. "Yoongi made it sound like Jin needed to see me on some urgent business."

Namjoon nodded a little. "The nurses are changing his bandages right now and then you can visit him," he said before glancing at me. "Though I don't know if Jin would be okay with Y/N going because it might be personal. I don't know."

"It's fine," I smiled quietly. "I can wait outside."

"You sure about that?" Jungkook asked, glancing drily at Jimin whose chuckles had for the most part died down but was now wracked with violent, adorable hiccups. "You might want to wait somewhere...away from this guy."

"Jimin get off the floor," Hoseok rolled his eyes and helped the shorter man up.

"Sorry," Jimin ran a hand through his hair as he allowed Hoseok to haul him up, "I really can't see when I laugh, so I fall everywhere."

"Good grief, he even has tears in his eyes," Taehyung muttered.

Indeed, the young man's eyes shone and glowed with tears from laughing so hard and his entire face was flushed.

Squishable, I'm telling you.

"How long does it take for the nurse to change Jin's bandages?" Namjoon glanced down at his wristwatch.

As if on cue a new set of giggles resounded through the hallway.

"Oh my gosh, he's so handsome! I can't believe I got to touch his bare chest!"

"I know right? And when he winked like oh my-"

Two nurses rounded the corner from Jin's room and stopped up short as me along with the other guys stared at the nurses.

Heavy, awkward silence filled the hall aside from a hiccup emitted by Jimin.

"Er," one nurse finally managed to get out, face flushed. "H-he's ready to be- I mean, you can visit him now."

The two quickly ducked their heads and scurried off.

"Well, then," Taehyung straightened his shoulders. "I guess I'll come back soon." He planted a quick kiss on top of my head before left to go to Jin's room.

The others stared at me wide-eyed as if I'd been the one who invited them to the club with the pole-dancing chicken in it.

I shifted uncomfortably under their gazes.

It was Hoseok who got the guts to speak up. "Y/N, are you and...Taehyung dating?"

I blinked in slight surprise before a shy smile crept across my face for whatever reason. "Um, yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend earlier today."

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