42~ His Wang Man

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Accused of attempting murder on Seokjin.

I shifted uncomfortably next to Taehyung in the quiet police station waiting room, our hands linked tightly together.

A single officer sat behind the grand desk at the front of the room, flipping through manila folders and keeping an eye on us while the officers who'd escorted us to the police station had gone back to find Mr. Loy apparently.

Jungkook had not been allowed to follow and had parted ways at the entrance to the police station.

At the sound of a door opening to the waiting room, I immediately leapt up, only to have Taehyung quickly catch my arm and warning me with a hard look to keep self-control.

I was literally trembling in fury as Jaeun entered first, shooting a smug smirk at me before quickly transforming it into one of absolute pitiful look to start acting like a victim.

Next came Mr. Loy and two police officers, who paused in the doorway.

"We'll be questioning each of you, both together and separately," the policeman next to Mr. Loy in the doorway informed the four of us. "First, Mr. Kim and Mr. Loy."

I bit my lip a little as Taehyung quietly stood up, effectively pulling me down as he stood, and exited the waiting room with a rigid back, not even glancing back.

The moment the door close I was back on my feet and with one bound directly in front of Jaeun, grinding my teeth together in fury.

"There will be no violence permitted!" the police officer behind the desk called warningly, ironically twirling a freaking Taser in his hands.

"What the hell is your game, Jaeun?" I hissed, my face inches away from hers.

"Now, now, Y/N," walking perfume shop 2.0 chuckled coolly, "I taught you better than to use such language."

"You taught me what it felt like to be abandoned," I spat, struggling to keep my voice low and controlled as well as out of earshot of the police officer a few feet away. "Now answer my damn question."

"Didn't the police officer tell you? You two are now suspects of trying killing your dear Kim Seokjin that night," Jaeun smiled sickly sweet.

"Yeah, well that plan isn't going far because Seokjin has evidence photo and will come to our defense the moment he hears about this," I stated firmly, confidently.

Jaeun began to chuckle like a crazy lady before quickly breaking off into a small bout of coughing. When she caught her breath she set a freezing cold look on me. "That picture is not liable enough by itself. The night you did some weird voodoo curse on me, you said 'what good will money do now?' Well, it certainly did a great deal when Jin accepted the bribe to keep silent as we accused you of attempted murder."

It suddenly felt like the ground had turned to silly putty beneath me: unstable and sinkable. "No," I breathed, "Jin wouldn't do that." I glanced at the police officer behind the desk, who suddenly seemed caught up in watching something on his monitor.

"Mr. Loy and I had caught whiff that Taehyung's and Jin's relationship had turned rough recently," Jaeun continued smoothly. "Naturally, when we approached Jin with the right price, he agreed to let the accusation proceed. But he made sure we promised not to let you two be actually harmed during the process. How kind of him."

I felt frozen as Jaeun slowly began to circle around me ferally. "After we ensured Jin's silence, we went to the police. Lately, Y/N, I've been feeling not so great." As if to prove her point, another small bout of coughing attacked her body for a few seconds before she could continue. "That, as well as your attack on me at the dinner party-"

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