16~Maybe A-hole Isn't an A-hole...Maybe

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[A/N:] Surprise! Double Update for You Lovelies, and a little action coming up for those of you who're waiting for it! ;))

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

I sat, fuming, in the seat next to Taehyung as we drove in a frigid silence back to his penthouse. I glared daggers at every building we passed along the street and silently cursed out the Keeper from above hoping he could bring me back to Afterlife HQ so I could be reassigned to a different person or something.

Why couldn't I be the guardian angel for, say, a little sweet five-year old kid?

Why a 22-year old rich a-hole?


"Don't talk to me," I fired without even moving my head from staring at the window.

"I need to."

"Shut up."


"Just stop!" I finally snapped my head around, but words abandoned me when I saw his face.

He was still looking forward as he drove, so I could only see his side profile, but I could still see it. The expression.


It twisted his beautiful features into a divine mess. When his eyes flickered over to meet mine, they were practically black and filled with an internal war within. His features had softened to a certain rawness I'd never seen before and something within my heart tugs towards him.

"I'm sorry," he began slowly, and I saw his grip on the wheel of the car tight in a white knuckled grip. "There's just this rage pent up in me, especially when it comes to my family."

I didn't know what to say, so I just sat there silently.

But he didn't continue on. Instead, we drove for another five minutes in silence as I gazed at him and he fixed his eyes on the road. A vein was stuck out n his neck and the tormented look only seemed to worsen.

By the time we pulled into the parking garage of the penthouse, he looked like a time bomb ready to explode in T-minus two seconds.

We sat in the car silently, the parking garage just as silent.

It was like a pressure was building up inside the car, and even the pain of my ankle seemed to stop its biting in response to the tense surroundings.

"Taehyung," I couldn't bear the silence anymore.

Suddenly his hands flashed out grabbed my own hands.

"Whoa, what—" my eyes widened, stunned, as Taehyung's large hands swallowed mine up.

"Just give me a minute," he breathed on my hands as he rested his forehead on our entwined hands, lips brushing my skin ever so slightly and sending shivers down my spine.

I couldn't find it in me pull away.

Don't get me wrong; I was still more pissed at him than a mama grizzly whose baby just got stolen away from her. But, there was something else there. Something connecting him and me together- and I'm not referring to the obivous entwined hands. It was something deeper. Perhaps it was the guardian angel coming out. Or it was something else.

Either way, I just let him rest his head on our hands. The heat of his skin on mine was burning into mine, and his neatly combed hair from the morning now was mussed and concealing his face.

"I can't keep doing this, Y/N," he finally broke the silence. His voice rough and raw.

I gulped. "What?"

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