30~I'm His Her

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"Yoo-hoo? Y/N?"

Pinpricks of searing white light poked through the dark waters as I slowly swam back to the surface towards the familiar and annoyingly cheerful voice.

Finally my eyes opened and I realized I was on a cold, white tile floor. The room I was in looked like one massive dome of white and crystal. Outside were fluffy pink clouds with silver lining.

"That's right. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" The voice chirped.

I let out a soft groan.

I was back in the Afterlife HQ.

Wait... I was back?

"What the cheeseballs?" I yelled, jolting up.

"Yah!" The man who'd been chirping at me fell backwards at my sudden movements.

It was the Keeper.

"Hang on, hang on, why am I back?" I demanded, panicking. "I still had almost eight more months with Taehyung as guardian angel! Why the heck am I back?" I staggered to my feet.

The Keeper hopped back up and crossed his arms, his usual easy-going expression darkened slightly. There was a shift in the air and I swallowed hard, falling silent as I sensed what felt like electricity humming in the air.

The little short Keeper was pissed.

"Yes, you were supposed to be a guardian angel," the little guy bobbed his head. "NOT supposed to be his sex buddy! Didn't you read the rules??"

"We have never had sex!" I choked a little. "And what rules?? I literally died, found myself in this Afterlife HQ or whatever you call it, and then you practically booted me back to earth with all your giggling less than five minutes later!"

"You were supposed to keep your match alive period. Nothing more, nothing less!" The Keeper rolled his eyes. "I'm the Keeper of the Guardian Angels, Y/N; my job is to assign guardian angels to assignments! It's not flipping Tinder or Match.com."

"You assigned me to a smoking hot young man and said we were 'compatible,'" I pointed out.

"You hated him at first," the Keeper narrowed his eyes. "Don't think I didn't miss all the times you called him an a-hole and imagined gouging his eyes out with chopsticks!"


I never imagined chopsticks. I just cursed him to have burned toast, broken eggs, and get hit by a tank on his way to Suyo's date.

"Aside from all that," I huffed. "Why the hell did I become visible all of a sudden? And why am I back here??"

Abruptly the Keeper's hard expression softened and my stomach twisted as his face turned into more of a sad and grieved look.

"Guardian angels may be lower level angels compared to the hierarchy, but they're still divine beings," the Keeper began. "And they're not supposed to have so much contact with mortals."

"So you're saying me kissing Taehyung was what caused this?" I asked quietly.

The Keeper shook his head. "Not necessarily no, though the whole making out in the bathtub was a bit...excessive."

My face burned at the memory. Even worse at just picturing the Keeper in a chair floating in the sky, eating popcorn, and just watching Taehyung and I below kissing off each other's faces.

"It's the fact that your assignment, the mortal, has fallen for you."

My breath hitched. "What?" I whispered, eyes wide.

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