19~ A-hole's Stuff is Possessed

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[Your POV]

"No. I'm not going. Let me sleep in peace! Five more minutes!"

The persistent shaking of my shoulder never ceased, no matter how deep I buried my nose in the pillow.

"Why are you so damn lazy?" A familiar deep voice complained.

"Go to work by yourself," I blindly flung my hand out to try and knock the hand shaking my shoulder away.

"I want you to come with me, though," the whine only increased in tone.

I gave an annoyed, incoherent grunt.

Something then slapped my butt.

My eyes flew open and I shot upright as if I'd been shot in the ass.

Well, I mean, I did get slapped on the ass by...

"Holy-" Taehyung's eyes widened to two huge pools of fear as I lunged at him.

He backpedaled, but not fast enough. I tackled him and we both went tumbling to the ground. I grabbed a whole fistful of his shirt in the front right below his neck.

"You do not get to touch my ass without my permission asshole," I growled through gritted teeth.

"Yes, yes, okay sorry," Taehyung's eyes were still huge.

"Say 'yes guardian angel," I demanded.

He visibly swallowed, Adam's apple bobbing. "Y-yes guardian angel."

I released his shirt and crawled off him, trying to ignore the way my heart had very quickly sped up at the feeling of being atop him. Trying to ignore the urge to look at his lips that had caressed mine almost a week ago.

"Will you come though?"

"No!" I threw my hands in the air. "What does it take to get the message 'no' across to a guy?"

Taehyung slowly sat up, eyes dark and calculating. "I'll buy you ice cream afterwards."

That made me pause. I narrowed my eyes. "What kind?"

"Any kind you want, triple scoop, and I won't judge you at all or call you 'fat' or anything," Taehyung added with a triumphant grin as he saw my expression shift on my face.

Ten minutes later I was in the car on the way towards his workplace with him.

"So explain to me why you were so adamant to me tagging along," I tried to distract myself from staring at Taehyung by pretending to examine my nails. "You've never wanted me to do this before."

"I have an important meeting with the very board that Lumineux runs under," Taehyung informed me as he sped through an orange light.

I jerked my head up in surprise. "You mean you and Namjoon and those guys really aren't the heads of Lumineux?"

"We're the heads of Lumineux, but the company isn't an independent company either," Taehyung explained. "The company is part of a series of chains and branches of companies similar to ours in clothing. We're just well known because we've been the most successful. Of course, it's because Lumineux has an amazing CEO wouldn't you agree?"

I rolled my eyes at Taehyung's ending arrogant note, glancing at me with the smirk curving his mouth upwards. "You're such a rich pain in the a-"

"Why do you hate 'rich' people so much?" Taehyung abruptly asked.

I started a tiny bit. "What?"

"Don't think I've noticed," Taehyung's expression had sobered and was dead serious as his eyes darted between the road and me. "You're always calling me names and muttering things to yourself that more or less revolve around cursing rich and expensive things or people."

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