34~His Love For Panda Express

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"This is the last time we're going to Panda Express," I sighed heavily as Taehyung began to decimate his thirtieth egg roll in his mouth.

"And this is the last time we let Hoseok drive," Yoongi bared his teeth at Hoseok.

The poor driver's face turned bright pink. "It wasn't my fault the little old lady decided to try and jaywalk the street!"

"Anyways!" Jungkook ruffled his hair in slight frustration. "We're forgetting the main reason why we're here in the first place."

The five boys and I were crowded around one booth tucked away in the corner of the fast food restaurant. I was wedged between Taehyung and Hoseok, while Jungkook and Jimin were sitting across from us and Yoongi had pulled up a chair and was glowering at the younger ones.

Outside, pearly white clouds obscured the entire sky and a light blanket of snow covered the sidewalks and parking lot. 'Jingle Bell Rock' instrumental was playing cheerily inside the warm Panda Express, a stark contrast the dark mood hovering around the table.

"Taehyung, have you...had any contact with your father since...you know?" Jungkook leaned forward.

Taehyung just shook his head as he munched on the eggroll, cheeks puffed out like chipmunks as he'd shoved the entire dang thing in his mouth at once.

"The hitmen came almost right after Jin left," Hoseok murmured, the wheels of his brain turning. "But Jin didn't do it apparently. So is there and where is the connection?"

"More like, why does someone want Taehyung dead in the first place?" Jimin piped up as he rolled a piece of orange chicken around his plate like a little kid.

"Women molester?" I mumbled, glancing at Taehyung who immediately choked on his food at my suggestion.

Unfortunately Hoseok also heard me. "What?" Hoseok's jaw dropped before storming up. "Kim Taehyung have you been mistreating Y/N?" He yelled at Taehyung who was still currently dying on his eggroll.

"When...when have I...molested you?" Taehyung gasped, finally catching his breath. "In fact, you should be the one who might be the woman molester considering you were planning to whack Suyo with a freaking lamp!"

"WHAT?" Now Jungkook and Jimin's jaws dropped.

My face burned up at his words. I'd been referring to when he'd practicaly stripped in front of me the first week we'd been together at that photoshoot and all the times he'd basically grabbed me and pulled me along everywhere.

"Yeah, don't think I didn't see you holding that lamp like a club when I turned around after breaking up with Suyo," Taehyung's eyes narrowed.

"Dang, hey Y/N," Yoongi leaned forward, eyes glittering, "if you ever need to do that again, make sure you video it and send it to me alright?"

"Yoongi!" Hoseok gasped.

"Hang on, Suyo," Jimin pointed a finger at Taehyung. "She was your girlfriend right?"

"Was," Taehyung grumbled.

"Could she have been the one behind all this?" Jimin looked around. "Maybe she wanted Taehyung's money or something."

"No, Suyo can be really cruel and selfish, but she wouldn't do that," Taehyung shook his head.

"Debatable," Yoongi and I muttered at the same time under our breaths.

The older man shot me an appreciative look.

"Just think about it, Taehyung," Jungkook huffed a little. "We need to consider all our options."

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