33~His Fear

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"Taehyung wait!" I gasped as we raced through the hospital halls.

Some nurses called after us, telling us to slow down, but neither Taehyung or I listened to them as we breezed past them in full sprints. Fluorescent lights flashed over my head in a blur and people leapt to the side out of the way.

He was a fast runner and was quickly leaving me far behind. My heart pounded in my chest from adrenaline as well as from the running.

Did I mention I hated athletics?

I finally rounded a corner where I saw Taehyung already talking with Yoongi and Namjoon. The other boys were there too: Jungkook with round eyes, Jimin worrying his bottom lip, clinging to Hoseok who had an equally terrified expression fixed on his face.

"...found him this morning," Namjoon was saying, expression dark with worry. "Police are still investigating."

My legs abruptly gave out again and I collapsed in a nearby blue chair, breath coming out in short gasps. The hallway we were in now was painted pastel peach color and large doors with heavily frosted glass in front of us had large red letters painted 'Critical Care' on it.

"How is he right now?"

"Still in critical care last we heard."


The smartass.

The oldest young man of the group that had just begun to reconnect with his fellow brothers.

He'd been shot.

The world tilted a little and I almost fell out of the chair as a strong chest burn seared through my lungs for a split second, knocking the breath out of me. What was going on with me?

Taehyung sat down heavily in a chair across from me, eyes still fixed on Yoongi and Namjoon. "How long has he been in there?" he whispered as I struggled to sit back upright, catching my breath.

"About four hours?" Hoseok shrugged, swallowing hard as his worried eyes flickered to the doors to critical care ward.

"Any idea on who did it?"

"We just said that the police are still investigating," Yoongi snapped.

Taehyung immediately began to bristle but Jungkook stepped forward. "Calm down both of you," he said softly, firmly. "We're all upset, but let's not make things worse by fighting."

"This is getting out of hand," Namjoon ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "What, it was about three months ago that Taehyung had been attempted to be shot at, first with that crazy car chase, and then at his own penthouse. Thankfully Jungkook had been there to stop the hitmen or whatever you call them."

"We've already hired police to try and track these people," Yoongi groaned. "And Jungkook's been investigating alongside them." The shorter man glanced at the youngest expectantly.

Jungkook only shook his head a little. "We haven't gotten any solid leads," he murmured. "Whoever is doing this though seems to know almost every move that we do. Who else knew that Taehyung was going to visit his grandmother that day of the car chase?"

I glanced in slight surprise at the CEO who was practically yanking at his hair viciously in frustration. He'd been visiting his grandmother that night? Other than his abusive father and suicidal brother, I had never really thought of his other family.

"Taehyung..." Jungkook glanced uncertainly at me. "How long have you known Y/N?"

My mouth went dry as I instantly understood Jungkook's implications. Surprise and suspicion dashed across Yoongi's and Hoseok's faces while Namjoon only shifted his gaze towards me steadily with an unreadable expression, though his eyes had become dark in contemplation.

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