21~A-hole and Smartass' Secrets

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"Please don't kill him," I said nervously at Taehyung's dark expression.

"I'll try not to," was the reply. "But I can't make any promises."

I exhaled. "I heard of what happened between you two," I admitted.

"How?" Taehyung's grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"The men, Yoongi and Jungkook and those guys, were telling Jimin what was going on between you two when Jimin found out Jin used to be the CEO," I twisted my fingers a little.

Taehyung didn't answer, but a small pulse made an appearance in his jaw.

"Taehyung," I hesitantly reached out and touched his arm.

"You have no idea how it felt to be forced by one of my closest friends- no, someone I considered my very brother, to meet my father like that," Taehyung's voice was thin like a wire ready to snap.

I didn't know what to say after that, so I just wrapped my arm fully wound his. I didn't know what I was doing, but I just wanted to be there for him. To be with him. To support him.

I felt Taehyung stiffen a little at my touch, before relaxing and letting out a soft gust of breath.

He finally pulled in front of a warmly lit coffee shop. It was 7:28 PM and the sky was a deep, indigo color as the last rays of sun were fading. "Climb over to my seat and get out my door so no one else thinks my car is possessed," he told me. I quickly released my hold on his arm as he shifted to unbuckle his seatbelt.

I chuckled a little, recalling sweet Jimin's shocked face.

"What's so funny?" Taehyung watched me with slight amusement.

"Jimin," I exhaled softly. "He's just so cute and...squishable."

Taehyung's amusement dissipated, giving way to an emotion I couldn't quite place. In fact, that familiar pulse when he was upset was back again. "Don't talk about him like that," he said with a slightly cutting edge. "He's not for you."

That stung a little.

Taehyung read the expression on my face and his face softened ever so slightly. "I just don't want you with other..." he cut himself off quickly, leaving me even more puzzled and pissed off than before.

"What?" I crossed my arms, cursing myself for being all warm and bubbly at Taehyung a few moments before.

He held my gaze for a few moments before tearing his eyes away. "Nothing, let's just go," he mumbled and fumbled for the door, managing to open it on his fourth attempt and exit out of the car.

I pursed my lips a tiny bit.

He didn't want me with other what?

I ungracefully scrambled over the seat as Taehyung waited impatiently at the driver door, pretending to be on his phone for anyone who might be wondering why he was standing outside the driver's seat with the door open by himself.

I managed to hop out finally and Taehyung closed the door.


Taehyung eyes dragged up from his phone screen with the speed of a snail at the call. It was Jin, striding towards us with his black hair parted, exposing his forehead, and holding his own phone in hand.

I think my jaw hit the concrete at Jin's phone case. "What the actual twinkling tootsicles is that phone case?" I managed to get past my gaping mouth.

Jin glanced down, looking slightly offended at my remark. It took me a few seconds to remember he could indeed hear and see me. "What's wrong with it?"

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