3~A-hole is a Turd-Head

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"You're screwing with me right?" I gawk at the man, Kim Taehyung if what he said was true. "This cannot be happening."

"It's not," the man, Taehyung, replied shortly. "Now out."

I would've walked out. Yet something kept me put. Like I couldn't leave him as I now realized he was my assignment. I just crossed my arms and stuck out my lip. "No. You can't make me."

"You little girls," Taehyung growled in annoyance and began to stride up to me.

"Shi-" I began to backpedal but it was too late.

He was already upon me and before I could react he'd wrapped his arms around my waist. The smell of cologne and cotton washed over me making me a little light headed and my body begin to buzz. Up close his skin was still flawless though I could see a tiny mole right above his upper lip.

He leaned down until our noses were almost brushing.

"What...what the funnel cakes are you doing?" I breathed. An intruding thought wondering if my breath smelled okay entered my head. The smell of mint from his breath hit me.

"What's your name?" Taehyung practically purred.

"Y/N," I stammered, mind blanking at the proximity of his face to mine.

"Y/N, are you one of those girls who saw me on TV and hope to get in bed with me?" He whispered seductively, darkly.

"N-no," I squirmed, unable to help but think briefly of how strong and solid his arms around me were. "I told you, I was sent as your guardian angel!"

"You're supposed to be my guardian angel?" His eyes raked me up and down. "You're hot, but you really suck at this job you know."

I flushed at his shameless gaze and indignation bubbled in me. "Well most people know better than to stick a metal fork in the toaster, turd-head!"

Just like that he released me and I staggered back, feeling light without his arms around me.

"I was in a rush," he snapped back, his former irritated, stuck up façade back. "I am in a rush. And if I'm late to the meeting because of you, you're in big trouble."

"Stop talking to me like I'm a kid!" I yelled at him who was already turning around back to the kitchen. "I told you! I'm nineteen."

"And I told you to get out," was the sharp reply as he bent down at the toaster. "Great, and the toast are all burned. I'll need to put in a couple new ones." He picked up the fork again.

"Did your mother not teach you to not use metal ware in toasters!" I threw my hands in the air.

Taehyung shot me a sidelong glance over his shoulder. "Oh no, guardian angel. Save me." Sarcasm dripped from his words just as the fork touched the top of the inside of the toaster. "Ow!"

I clapped a hand on my forehead. "Let me do it for you."

"No," Taehyung flapped a hand at me. "I'm fine. Shoo. Go away." A prominent red mark marred his palm.

"No, let me help you," I insisted impatiently.

The last few words of the Keeper echoed in my head: "terrible things" would happen to me if my assignment died during my one-year contract (that I certainly didn't sign up for). I certainly wasn't going to let this turd-head a-hole electrocute himself to death trying to get toast out of the toaster with a damn metal fork.

"Back off," Taehyung grumbled as I approached him and shouldered my way in front of the toaster.

Indeed, two pieces of black sticky messes were in the toaster.

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