i. The Night A-hole Hit Me With His Car

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[Your POV]

"Bye guys," I called happily as my friends began to walk away from me at the club entrance and towards the bus stop.

"Bye Y/N!" They waved, most of them laughing and giggling messes, more than a little tipsy.

I'd only had one shot, as I knew I would need to drive home, so I was very much sober. Yes, there was also the fact that I had a little paranoia of all the novels and movies out there of the shit that went down when a girl had one shot more than necessary and got all funky up in the club.

The loud, pounding music leaking out the entrance doors where two guards stood began to fade behind me as I headed into the darkness. Away from the bright lights, the tall buildings, the city life. I had parked a little ways away from the club so I didn't have to pay a fortune for parking.

A jaw splitting yawn abruptly hit me and I rubbed my eyes, not even bothering that I was smudging all my eye shadow and mascara everywhere. Exhaustion was settling in me and I internally groaned as I remembered my college classes were at 8 AM.

A single streetlamp lit a golden circle in the middle of the dark grey pavement of the street I needed to cross for the parking lot. Dimly, I could see my blue Honda accord on the other side in the parking lot.

Just as I stepped out in the street, a loud sound of screeching tires erupted the quiet night air.

Everything happened so fast.

I froze as blinding headlights appeared as a car rounded the corner of the street a few yards away from me going ridiculously fast.

Behind the wheel, I very quickly caught a glimpse of a young man behind the wheel. He was handsome was all I registered before the car bore down right on me and the sound of a car horn filled my ears.

A loud crack, very vaguely sounded like a gunshot almost, resounded in the background of the loud horn and then hot pain exploded on my side.


I was on the ground.

The car kept driving.

What an asshole.



Yep, that's right. I died that night.

*・゚: *・゚:*・゚: *・゚:*・゚: *・゚:

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

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