25~His "Emergency"

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"Y/N!" Taehyung urgent shout jerked me from my nap.  "Y/N COME HERE! HURRY!"

"What-?" I fumbled around in the warm blankets I'd been resting in, trying to figure out how gravity worked again.

"I NEED YOUR HELP!" Taehyung's relentless shout only increased my bleary confusion.

I finally managed to remember how to move my legs and I tore as quickly as I could to Taehyung's bedroom. The moment I burst into the bedroom door like frickin' SWAT team I didn't hesitate to leap onto the bed where Taehyung was.

"What's wrong?" I demanded, half panicking as the drowsiness refused to release my brain all the way. "Are you hurt? Did something bad happen?"

That's when I realized my situation.

I was in the same bed as a shirtless Taehyung who was smirking heavily at me. I watched as the smirk dissolved into a heavy laughter as Taehyung watched my face flush up.

"Jerk," I grumbled in irritation. "I actually thought you needed help!" I turned to get off the bed when strong arms yanked me back onto the mattress.

I yelped in shock as I was practically shoved flat onto the bed and a moment later, Taehyung positioned himself right over me. He smirked that devilish grin that sent my stomach twisting all over again.

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispered.

It had been about a month since Taehyung broke up with Suyo. Things had quieted down for the most part, and Taehyung was slowly beginning to meet with Jin more and more. Just last week all the young men: Yoongi, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, yes even Jimin, and Jin and Taehyung, had finally met.

I'd assumed it went well based off on Taehyung's enlightened mood after coming back. Or it might've been because he was a little drunk and was singing something about dead skin cells coming out of Jin's mouth or something...

Ever since Suyo had been gone out of the picture, there was sort of a tension growing between Taehyung and I; a sort of electric current that seemed to only strengthen as the days slowly dragged by. I'd catch myself looking more and more at him, feeling some sort of tight nervousness when he drew closer and I had no clue what to make of it. Not to mention my heart would seem to fall flat on itself for a few seconds when I sometimes caught Taehyung looking at me.

Now, being in the same bed with a shirtless Taehyung hovering over me was seriously destroying all my logical brain cells.

"Did you lose your voice, Y/N?" Taehyung dipped his head even lower right above my face.

"Holy-" My body jerked into action and I snapped right back up to sitting position, taking out both his and my forehead together.

"Ow!" We both cried and shot each other death glares, rubbing our foreheads.

"What did you need, for real, a-hole?" I grumbled at Taehyung, head throbbing a tiny bit.

Taehyung gestured and I realized he'd been looking at something on his laptop.

The moment my eyes lay on the screen I forgot all my pains. "Ohmighodit'ssocutewhattheheck?" I squealed.

Taehyung pressed both hands to his ears at my inhumane shriek. "Seriously?" he grunted. "You sound like someone doing the Heimlich maneuver on a chicken."

On the screen was a picture of a black and tan Pomeranian puppy. "Adopt Me" button was at the bottom of the picture and I didn't miss the computer mouse hovering over the button.

"Are you going to adopt it?" I beamed, eyes still locked on the screen as I took in the adorable photo of the puppy, ignoring the 'chicken' part.

"I was thinking of it which is why I called you," he replied, finally finished massaging his forehead and scooting back to the laptop.

"You should! You totally should!" I exclaimed happily. "It'll be like a Christmas present!"

It was December 20, five days away from Christmas. The city was obscured by pearly grey clouds every day and the air crisp and chilly, yet no snow had fallen yet. Silvery frost covered the grass and streets early morning, but it would quickly melt as the morning proceeded.

I had been with Taehyung for now four months and fifteen days. It felt so strange to think of that as the days dragged by yet the weeks were blurry fast it seemed.

"We're going to need to train it and take care of it," Taehyung warned.

I shook my head. "I don't care! I'll do it!"

Taehyung stared at me drily.

"What?" I frowned a little at his expression. I had to quickly look away before eyes travelled down his carved chest, trying to ignore how I could feel his body heat.

"Do you know how weird it would be for a dog to be randomly walking in the park with his leash hovering in midair?"

My mouth formed a small 'oh' as I remembered I was indeed invisible. Considering how many times I forgot I was invisible to others eyes, it was a miracle there hadn't been too much of a disaster with Taehyung's possessions being possessed again.

"Not to mention we don't know if the dog will even be able to see you." Taehyung exhaled. "Anyways, let's go," he shut his laptop.

"What?" I blinked in confusion. "You're not going to adopt it?"

"Of course I am, but I want to see it in person first," Taehyung replied bluntly.

"But what if someone takes it before we get there!" I cried in dismay.

He smirked a tiny bit as he stood up off the bed. "Then we best hurry."

I scrambled out of his room and practically skipped to the small room Taehyung had turned into my own bedroom about three weeks ago after he didn't have to worry about Suyo bursting into his apartment anymore.

I quickly changed into some warm jeans and a snuggly red sweater. I peeked out the window to the city streets below where Christmas lights wove in bare tree branches and people in coats and hats walked down the sidewalks.

I bit my lip a tiny bit as a small pang of homesickness of not being able to spend Christmas with my dad. He would probably have gone to Jeonju where my grandparents, his parents, were to spend Christmas.

"Hey guardian angel, hurry up!"

I wheeled around to where Taehyung was already waiting impatiently by the doorway.

"You're so impatient." I grouched as I grabbed a nice fluffy coat.

"And I'm going to be in my grave by the time you're ready at this rate," Taehyung retorted, though excitement glowed in his eyes at the prospect of a pet. "Now let's go get that puppy!"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

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