40~ His Proposal

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"Miss? Are you alright miss?"

The security guards rushed to Jaeun's side, who was baring her teeth in a snarl at me.


Now Taehyung was beside me, wrapping an arm protectively around my waist, glancing at my face as if to make sure I was alright before turning to fix a hard look at the woman in the tight teal dress.

"This...this lady is crazy!" Jaeun shrieked at me.

Ironic considering she was the one screeching at the top of her lungs like she'd just witnessed all her money and jewels getting run over by a tractor.

I kept my face carefully blank, even when Mr. Loy appeared with dark, narrowed eyes. Then Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, and Namjoon came up to surround Taehyung and I. I couldn't help but feel more secure with all the tall, strong young men around me in front of Mr. Loy and mother.

"What did she do?" a guard glanced at me hesitantly.

"She harassed me!" Jaeun accused, clawing at the nearest guard who looked like he was questioning why he even signed up for his job.

Also ironic considering she was the one practically assaulting the poor guard.

"Jaeun, darling, please calm yourself?" Mr. Loy touched her shoulder briefly which Jaeun quickly shook off.

"You," she hissed, staring daggers at me. "I don't believe anything you said! You faked her your own death, you must have. That bullcrap about you dying because of 'bending rules' is not true!"

I stiffened as I felt Taehyung freeze next to me.

"What?" The one word he uttered was colder than if the North Pole and the McDondald's freezer walk-in had a child.


"Jaeun, let's leave alright?" Mr. Loy chuckled nervously, glancing around.

Jaeun finally let herself be dragged away.

It didn't matter though if she believed me or not.

The Keeper had said that the mark where I'd kissed her would burn, though it wouldn't be seen any longer. And as I grew weaker, so did she.


Oh double crap.

I reluctantly dragged my eyes up to Taehyung who was looking at me with an unreadable expression. Save for those dark eyes that I could see the wheels turning behind them.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" He growled.

Hm? Me? Something I wasn't telling him? Hm?

I cleared my throat nervously. "Um, we're in public-"

"I can fix that," Taehyung's arm around my waist tightened and he began to usher me away from the lobby.

Red alert.
Angry CEO.
Not a drill.

"Taehyung, what-?" Jungkook frowned, beginning to follow, but Taehyung halted Jungkook.

"Keep an eye on things here, Jungkook," Taehyung ordered, voice holding no room for argument.

It was obvious the boys had no clue as to why Taehyung was suddenly acting up, but they weren't stupid and knew something wrong. All of them exchanged and shot me concerned glances.

Taehyung continued his stormy path from the main lobby to a side hallway of the hotel. People parted before us like the Red Sea, clearing us one (unfortunately) clear path to privacy.

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