10~A-hole's Company Sells What??

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"Come in," a voice called from within.

Jungkook briefly clapped a hand over Taehyung's shoulder encouragingly before resuming attention position and opening the door to let Taehyung entered.

I quickly followed him into a large meeting room without thinking.

He didn't even glance back.

The door shut behind us tightly.

The meeting room was a long room with a large table in the middle filled with empty black office chairs and a glass wall that looked out across the city. A large podium stood at one end on the room with a massive screen behind it.

Next to the podium stood a very tall man. He was thin and dressed in a handsome red suit, I was starting to realize almost everyone in this company was really good looking, and had orange-gold hair and large square glasses.

"Mr. CEO," the man acknowledged.

"Mr. Chairman," Taehyung nodded respectfully.

"All the papers are in order and I've confirmed everything with Lacune's President and Chairman. Now we're just waiting both you and their CEO's signature," the Chairman stated.  "Shall I send the message to Jimin to allow them to come?"

"Yes, sir, I'm ready," Taehyung replied. He set his business bag on the meeting table next to him and pulled out a few folders.

"Park Jimin?"

I looked up to see the Chairman Namjoon was talking in a small black device in his hand.

"Chairman!" A small, breathless voice came over the device. "Is it time? I swear, the men from Lacune are draining the world supply of coffee and I think I lost ten pounds running back and forth to fetch refills and more cookies!"

Chairman patiently waited for whoever was on the other line to finish talking, or at least take a breath between words. "Intern!" He called sternly in the device.

"Oh, uh, yes sir?" The voice instantly became more subdued and listening.

"Yes, you may bring the Lacune men. Our CEO is finally here."

"Good grief, you're a CEO of this business?" I glanced at Taehyung as I came up next to him.

He didn't even look up from the folder he was examining through on the table, but gave the most subtle head nods.

A few moments later there was activity behind the doors.

Both the Chairman Namjoon and Taehyung straightened. Then, before I could react, Taehyung's arm flashed out and pulled me right to his chest.

"Stay close to me," he said in a low voice, low enough so Namjoon couldn't hear him. "Stay out of the way. Don't be a pain. Understood?"

I nodded, mind glitching a little at the proximity of him. His breath was hot against my ear.

He released my arm and cleared his throat a little.

"Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Lacune are here," Jungkook's voice called, announcing the people like a British soldier would to the queen.

"Yes, please let them in," Namjoon called warmly.

The doors swung open...and a man fell forward on his face.

Everyone stared at him as he quickly scrambled back up and I craned my neck to see who it was.

The man had a sweet, innocent face with hazel eyes and bouncy blond hair atop his head. He wore a cute black, pink polka-dotted blouse and jeans and he quickly righted himself up on his feet, cheeks flushed.

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