7~A-hole Being an A-hole

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"Get up."

A pillow whacked me none too gently over my head.

I moaned in reply and shielded my head.


Now something hard hit me on top of the head with a little squeak.

I cracked open my eyes at the sound and my eyes landed on the item my assailant had thrown at me.

"A rubber duck?"

"Finally you're up," Taehyung muttered, walking away.

"A rubber duck?" I repeated slowly sitting up on the sofa I'd fallen asleep on.

"I was planning to use the hammer," he called over his shoulder. "Decided to use the rubber duck instead."

"A hammer?" I blinked.

"Make me breakfast will you? I have to get to work in half an hour."

"Where's Jungkook? Ask him to make you your breakfast," I mumbled irritably as I buried back down onto my couch. My head felt stuffy and hurt a little.

"He's already back on duty."

I gave an incoherent response as I snuggled back into the sofa.

"Gee, I think the hammer is on the fourth drawer to the left..."

"Hey!" My eyes snapped open all over again and I sat up all the way. "I'm your guardian angel you a-hole! Respect me!"

Taehyung was leaning on the opposite wall across from me, one hand shoved in his pocket and the other holding the same professional bag from yesterday. He was already dressed in a nice suit and his hair was combed down smartly.

Seven-course meal I'm saying. Someone could bake cookies on him, that's how hot he was.

Crap. I really needed to stop thinking things like that.

"Respect you?" He repeated, amused. "You look like a flamingo decided to make a nest in your hair."

I gasped, hands flying up to my head.

"Do you have any other clothes aside from those?" He looked judgmentally at my wrinkled shirt and jeans.

I scowled at him.

"And when was the last time you took a shower?"

"Holy shi—ittake mushrooms!" I caught myself just in time. "Will you stop judging me?"

"Why?" Taehyung tugged at the edge of his straightjacket. "I'm not being hypocritical or unfair. If I can live up to standards, so can you."

"Rich snob," I sneered at him.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I earned money through hard work. Now get up and make my breakfast."

"Do it yourself!" I shot back. Where was that Taehyung whose face had looked genuinely concerned for me when I'd almost passed out last night? "I'm your guardian angel! Not your damn maid!"

"I still don't know what exactly you are, but you aren't my guardian angel that's for sure," Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Oh really?" I crossed my arms indignantly. "Then what else could I be?"

"One of those teenagers who was so whiney heaven itself rejected you at the gates," Taehyung replied smoothly.

My jaw fell open.

"I like my toast toasted golden with a thin spread of butter," Taehyung declared as he walked out of the room. "I'll expect it on the counter in five minutes."

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