Chapter 2

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(A/n) this is sam I don't own this picture it's someone's else

Chip POV

I woke up to rain pounding on my window.
I heard a little bit of thunder. I checked my clock it was 5;45 am I decided to go back to sleep

I felt my brother shake my shoulder I woke up to him glaring and smiling at me.
"What do u want it's 6:30" I groan

"Your coming with me to work" he says happily

"Nah I'm good" I mumble

"You are going" he says

"No sam!" I snap

"You need a checkup" he says calmly

"I don't geez" I said as I bolted out my room and locked myself in the bathroom

I looked in the mirror my brown hair was a mess my face looked dirty.i smiled and my teeth are fairly white. I always brush my teeth because you know, my brother is a dentist and he reminds me always too.

But my teeth are kind of crooked it was a part of me I liked. It was a part of my mom which I miss a lot.

I heard a small knock on the bathroom door " you ok Chip" my brother said in a worried tone

"I guess I'm fine" I say

"Can I Come in?" He says

I looked at the door and I decided to unlock it

He opened the door with his comforting smile.
I smiled back at him.
"I love how white your teeth are" he says

"Thanks" I say

He is literally all about my teeth.he cares too much about my teeth. I don't want to go to the dentist I can care for my teeth myself.

"The other night at dinner I saw that expression on your face like something is wrong what is it bud?" He said

Shit he knows!

"It's it's nothing I can handle it myself" I say

"I can tell there is something wrong" he said

"It's nothing" I say as I gritted my teeth

"Stop denying it Chip!" He said

Tears filled my eyes I had to tell the truth he knows when I lie

"Well I been having this toothache" I cry

"You been having too many sweets I knew it why don't you let me check it out and come to the office with me" He says

"I'm scared of it Sam! I hate the dentist!" I say

"Come on there's nothing to be scared of you know how childish I am I will have you happy" he says with a warm smile shining his pearly white teeth.

I sniffled. "That is true" I say

"Get dressed and we can go" he said

"Today? Really?" I say crossing my arms

"It needs to be taken care of" he said that smile faded away from his face

I decided to go to my room and get dressed
I wore a blue flannel. A sweatshirt that I didn't zip up. A pair of denim jeans , black socks,and my favorite white vans

I didn't bother doing my hair but I did go brush my teeth.j used mouthwash too and smiled in the mirror.

I grabbed my earbuds and iPhone X. And waited downstairs for Sam.

Sam came up to me and said "you ready bud" he said

"I guess" I said as I stood up following him out to the garage where his car was. I got in the car and put my seatbelt and earbuds in.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now