Jacks surgery

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Jack POV

I got up early and got dressed I wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I grabbed my earbuds and my phone and headed downstairs and waited for my mom while sitting on the couch

Chip POV

I woke up early and Sam knocked on my door

"Bud I got a question for you" he said as he came in my room

"Yes What is it sam" I said in a sleepy voice

"Jack is getting his wisdom teeth out today and he wants you there with him" sam said

" why did you never tell me this yesterday sam"
" I came home and crashed because I was so tired" sam said

"Well what time we leaving?" I said

"Appointment at 9 and it's 730 so you should start getting ready" he said

I got out of bed as he left the room and picked out some clothes to wear. A Aeropostale shirt and some joggers and a jacket and my white converse.

I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth then headed downstairs. I sat in the living room.
"Aren't you hungry?" Sam asked as he walked in the living room

"No" I said

I somewhat wasn't feeling good today.

"Don't you feel well? You usually eat breakfast every morning" sam asked

"Not really my head hurts and my stomach"
I complain

"Oh well go take some aspirin and we can head off ok bud?" Sam said

I took the aspirin and grabbed a bottle of water and went back out to the living room waiting for me. We headed out to the car. We drove to the clinic.
"I got a good movie to show you Sam" I say as we were getting out of the car to go into the clinic

"What is it bud?" He said

"Little shop of horrors" I say

"Omg I love that movie we could watch it tonight if that's alright with you" He said as we walk into the office then I flopped into one of the waiting room chairs.
Next person to walk in the office was Josh then Derek followed him.

Derek spotted me and headed over to me
"Hey bud what you doing here?" He asked politely
"Um my boyfriend is getting his wisdom teeth out and jack wanted me to be with him" I say

"Oh so when are you thinking for about getting braces?" He said completely changing the subject
"Ehh I don't know I don't want them but you know Sam will force me to have them" I chuckle nervously

Jack and his mom come in and jack spots me and hugs me then sits next to me. Derek walks away and disappears to the back of the corridor where the exam rooms and offices were.
My brother comes out 5 min later and says

"Jack Parker you ready?" He says

Jacks pov

I slowly got up from the chair and walked towards Sam. Chip follows me. My mom waits in the waiting room.

We get to the exam room and Sam motions for me to sit down. I obeyed. "So Jack this procedure will not hurt because you'll be knocked out but we will be tracking your vitals" Sam said as he grabs a little monitor and places it on my finger. Josh walks in and sits in the chair opposite of the dentist chair. Chip sits in the corner of the room. Sam got the tools ready and placed them on the tray making a clinging sound. "U ready to be reclined?" Sam asked

"Yea" I said
He reclined  me then puts his gloves and mask on and Josh does the same.
They got a nose thing and placed it on my nose and turned it on I felt dizzy

"I feel dizzy" I say

"It's okay just relax bud" sam said as I saw starts and I finally fell asleep.

One and a half hours later my eyes started fluttering Open. Chip was next to me waiting for me to wake up and Sam was smiling at me.
"Good morning" sam said

I chuckled softly as I was still in a dazed faze. I woke up completely ten minutes later. My mom walked in the room and smiled at me.

"How'd he do?" My mom asked sam

"Awesome but he will be in a lot of pain once the numbness wears off so I prescribed him some antibiotics to help with the pain he shall eat soft foods like bread, soup stuff like that in 2 hours" sam said

Once jack and his mom left me and Sam looked at each other then Derek walks in.

"Your not done Chip for today" said Sam coldly

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now