Another time skip

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(A/n) I'm running out of ideas so I'm doing more time skips sorry :) HMU if you would like to make a cover for this book -Kaitlyn


Fast forward 3 1/2 months its springtime. The flowers are starting to bloom and the weather is starting to get warm.
I was riding my bike with Josh and Sam.
I took a hard left turn and fell off my bike
I fell and hurt my leg but also on my face.

I tried to get up but a sharp pain shoots up my leg and i start crying.
"Shit he has to go to a hospital" Sam said

Sam and Josh loaded up the bikes in the car and they lay me down in the backseat.
They got to the hospital. Checked me in and was called back to the exam room.

I told them if my pain in my leg and they took an X-ray and I broke my leg it been not a good day for me.
They put a cast on me and I got discharged. Also got a pair of crutches. Which I know how to use because when I was little I did the Same thing with my bike and broke my leg. When my mom and dad were still around Sam was like 18 or something like that


"Mommy daddy look" I said excitingly

"Slow down!" My brother yells

I took a sharp right turn and fell on my leg really hard and broke it and had to go to the hospital

Flashback end

We went directly to Sam's office because Sam saw me directly fall on my face I feel helpless with this dumb ass broken leg.

"Come on Sam my face is fine" I whine

"You fell hard on it what if you chipped a tooth or something" Sam says

We got to the office and I was carried in basically. Sam unlocked the office and we went in and he plopped me down in the exam chair

"This is bull" I whine

He got his gloves and mask so did josh
"2 vs 1 aye" I chuckled as Sam got a fresh packet of tools. He grabbed the mirror and explorer

They chuckled along with me. "Open" Sam said
I opened and Sam's tools went in my mouth

"No damage" he says as he is observing.
"Thank god" I say

"But there's a bit of plaque build up" he says and removes the plaque and I bet he's a bit annoyed right now.

I rolled my eyes as he finishes up and puts me back to the normal state.
We went home soon after I have to be carried up to my room because I can't use stairs.

I went to sleep after Sam brushing my teeth thank god for that because I didn't feel like it.

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