Chapter 17-R u gay? Chip?

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We got to school and it was a good day. Soon came lunch we shared a cookie.
Then came to the end of the day.
"Jack wanna go to my house brother is not home" I say

"Sure thing" he says

We were at my house playing GTA we were yelling at the tv just like Sam does I have anger issues just like he does.

We did homework and took then we were watching a movie we were sitting together my head was on his shoulder.

Then we didn't notice sam coming home.When he was unlocking the door.The look on his face.

I whisper to jack "Leave please" I kissed him on the cheek and he left.

I gave sam a nervous smile. "Hi" I say.
"Chip Nelson Winston Why was jack here" he said crossing his arms across his chest.

"We are friends now" I chuckle

He looked confused "Well I thought he was your bully?" He says

"Nah not anymore he didn't mean too He he actually liked me" I say

"Like in love wise?" He asks

"Yes,I'm gay" I say proudly

"Well it's your choice who you wanna date Chip But I do not like jack!" He says

"Well we will never come over here to here your complaining" I said as I walked upstairs and shut and locked my door I bet sam was angry and confused


Um? He likes Jack I'm confused.
He chooses his life and who he wants to date.
But what jack did to him was uncalled for I don't want them dating.
I went upstairs and knocked on chips door.
"Who is it?" Chip says
"Your brother I'm just gonna say it's your choice do whatever I won't stop you" I said

"Ok then" chip said

Chip POV

He is letting me control my life. Wow I thought he wasn't gonna allow me and jack
To date.
I called Jack.
"Hey handsome" he says

"Hey jack" I say

"What you doing" He said

"Nothing I just had a weird talk with my brother" I say

"What was it about" jack asks

"Um I told him about our relationship he seemed confused but he is allowing me to date you and all" I say

"That is good,my mom always knew I was gay so she would not stop me " jack says

Me and jack talked for a little more till I fell asleep.
I forgot to set my alarm.

I woke up the next day.i saw my alarm clock it was 9. "Shit!" I yell as I jumped out of bed.
School starts at 915 so I rushed to get dressed and ran out the door I got there around 912.

I got in class and jack looked at me with a confused look.

"I woke up late" I say to jack
"I see that" he laughs

Class started and we had a project to do Jack is always my partner since you know...

"Good morning class, we have a guest speaker" Mrs Martha said

Then my brother walked in.

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