Chapter 36- IHOP

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Chip POV

Me and Sam got in our car, Josh got in his.

We drove 5 min to where all the restraunts and stores and pulled up in ihop.
I got out of the car in excitement and the boys followed me. I got in the restraunt and the waitress greeted us.

"How many" she said

"3" Sam said

The waitress grabbed three menus and led us to our table. We all sat down.
"What y'all want to drink" she said

"I'll take a water" Sam said

"Water please" josh said

"Umm just water" I said

"Ok I'll get your waters I'll be right back" she said as she went and got our waters

I opened the menu and my eyes lit up.
"Omg" I say

"What is it?" Sam said looking at me

"OREO pancakes" i Said

The boys rolled their eyes "Fine" Sam said
Our waters arrived at the table. "R we ready yet?" She said

"I think we are" sam said

"Okay What would you like" she said to Sam

"Buttermilk pancakes" he said

"You sir?" She said to Josh

"An western omelet" said Josh

"And finally what would you like?" She said whilst looking at me

"Oreo pancakes" I said

"Okay I'll put your orders in right away" she said whilst collecting the menus

Sam leaned over. "I'm giving your teeth a good brushing later" he whispered in my ear

"Yea I know" I mumble

We chatted for awhile. Learning much about each other.

Our food arrived 10 min later

When my Oreo pancakes came I was so excited Sam and Josh looked at me like I'm crazy.

"What?" I chuckle

"That's a lot of sugar" Josh said as he grabbed his fork and started cutting his omelet. Then taking the first bite.

Sam nodded. He cut his pancakes.

I started eating my pancakes and my eyes widened. "Those are so damn good" I mumble

When we were finished we went home. Josh went in his car. We went in our car.

It was Saturday I believe I get my phone back on Monday. "Also chip on Wednesday of next week your getting braces" he says

"Why? U know I don't want them Sam" I whined

"Because they are gonna straighten your teeth and do you want that perfect smile?" Sam asks

"I'm fine with my smile!" I snapped

We got home I was the first out of the car. I was first in the house and went straight to my room.

"I wasn't done talking to you!" Sam snapped back. As he slams the front door shut. He takes his shoes off and puts his keys on the counter and came rushing upstairs clearly Sam was upset.

Sam changes clothes before coming to my room. He opened my door quietly while I was laying face down in my pillow.
"Why do I have to" I say in a muffled way whilst my face was smushed in the pillow.

"Honestly Chip i want you to have that perfect smile"
Sam said

I sat up in my bed looking at him.
"I don't want them yet Sam please!" I whines

"Fine we will do them Friday" he said

"Fine whatever" I say

He gets up and leaves my bedroom. He shuts the door behind him.

I went to my computer and did some schoolwork

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