Chapter 13- Another examination

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We just got into the examination room and I sat down in the chair.
Sam comes back in with his tray of tools.

He applies gloves and a mask. He reclines me back.

"Open" He says
I obeyed him and he put his tools in my mouth.

"Jack..jack..jack what did he do he made a tooth loose I'm gonna have to pull it Chip" sam said

"How loose" I ask

"Very" He said

"I can get it out myself" I say

" chip it will hurt and you might do it wrong" sam said

"I will just tie the tooth to a string then to a doorknob then pop it's out a lot of kids do it" I laugh

"Well it will be painful why just do it here painlessly" he laughs

"Open" he says

He applied a topical gel and let it numb then grabbed a needle I closed my eyes while he injected it it pinched a little bit.

He grabbed a pair of pliers and wiggles my tooth around till it popped out.
He reached over and got a piece of gauze it put it in the spot where the tooth was.
"Now was that bad was it?" He laughs
"Nah" I say

"Now to fill the cavity with that new water drill" he says
He started working in my mouth yet again surprising me the drill didn't hurt.
He filled it and finally we were done.

He put the chair back to its regular state. He took off his gloves and mask and he smiled and me I smiled back.

I thought sam was gonna torture me but no it was a painless appointment that's why I love my brother!

**fast forward 2 weeks*

School been going well I have good grades. Jack hasn't bothered me because he knows about his nightmare being my brother.

I was at my locker and Jack walked up to me and smiled nicely at me.

"Um..Chip I am so sorry for how I've treated you" he said

I raised my eyebrow just how my brother does it. "I didn't like what you did earlier this year" I say

"I am sorry about that." He says

"Wow I never thought you will say that to me. R u going to start being nicer" I ask

"I will" he says winking his eye at me and walked away

That was weird. He winked at me.
Does he like me?

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now