Chapter 32- A torturous checkup

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Chip POV

I was pissed! I kicked him.
He looked at me in a angry way.

He forced me in the car and he got in and drove off to the office

"Just tell me why!" He said angrily

"Because you know I like skipping you should flipping know that Sam John Winston" I said angrily.

We arrived at his office he comes to my side and forces me out of the car.
"You can't do this to me" I said and pulled back really hard and made him fall to the ground.

I stuck out my tongue at him and laughed.

He got up and grabbed my arm again. He got inside the clinic and to the examination room. He throws me on the chair

"Dr. Shepherd were ready" he said

I jumped off the chair as dr.Shepherd walked in.
They exchanged glances and got straps out from underneath the chair.
Dr. Shepherd grabs me and picks me up and pushes me in the chair and Sam straps me up.

"This is torture" I yell. As a tear rolled down my face

"By the Way Chip Nelson your grounded from your phone" he says as he reaches in my pocket and grabs my phone. And waves it in front of my face.

"Fuck You" I growl

"That's not appropriate!" He says in a angry tone.
Dr. Shepherd held my face still while Sam pulls my mouth open and inserts the dreadful mouth prop.

They both put on gloves and a mask. "Shall we" sam said
Sam examines my mouth. "Very good very good" he says

He seemed happy. He gets up and says

"What type of toothpaste u want" he says

He takes the mouth prop out so I can speak
"Bubblegum" I say

I rolled my eyes as he walks out of the room.
"I am sorry Dr. Shepherd" I said

"Apology accepted" he says

"I hate my brother sometimes you know" I say

"Yea I know" Shepherd says

Sam walks in and sets the container down in the tray. He says "Open" I obeyed.
He starts cleaning my teeth with the bubble gum toothpaste.
He finishes polishing my teeth and unstraps me. He hands me a cup with a very little bit of blue stuff. "What's this?" I said

"Just swish it around your mouth and spit" Sam said

I swished the liquid around my mouth it tastes Gross!!
I cringed and spit it out in the sink.

"That's was nasty" I mumbled

"Yea I know it was no eating drinking for half a hour now for xrays" sam said
He got the films ready and said "Open and don't move" he places the first film in my mouth and walks to hallway I heard a buzzer.
He did it 2 more times in different positions in my mouth.

"Um Chip have you thought about getting braces?" Sam said

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