Chapter 24- more arguments

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He ran off. Yet my foot really hurt. He needed that cavity filled. I got a idea where he is. He's not getting off the hook so easily...

I bet he is in jacks treehouse

Chip POV

I texted Jack I was in his treehouse.
He came rushing out. He ran up in the treehouse.
"I can't handle Sam anymore" I cried my face was all red and puffy from crying.
Jack just hugged me. His hugs are some comforting and warm. "I know it's hard living with a dentist" he said calmly


I arrived at Jacks house and knocked on the door.
"Hello Sam" She said and she winked

"Where is Jack" I said I'm a unhappy tone
"In his treehouse" Shelby said

I rushed to the backyard where the treehouse is and I heard sniffles

"You up there?" I said

Chip POV

Shit. My brother was here.

"Go away" Jack yelled for me

"Thanks" I said

"I need to talk to Chip" Sam said

"He does not want to talk to you" Jack said

Sam climbs the ladder to the treehouse and came in the treehouse. He saw a puffy teary eye Chip.

"Leave me alone" I whispered as I let yet another tear slip.

"Look I'm sorry for yelling at you" sam said

"Really" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yes really. My dentist side got you. I'm your brother and I love you" Sam said calmly

"You act like you don't" I mumbled

"I do love you chip. I now I act like I don't." Sam said

I looked up at him with my teary red face. "I Just really miss mom and dad" i mumbled

Sam came up to me and hugged me really tight I loved Sam hugs.

"I know bud. I miss them too. I think of them everyday I know how hard it is" Sam said

Jack just looks at us. "Chip, Sam I am so sorry for your losses"

"Thanks" sam said

"Well I kind of wanna go home" I said

I have Jack a kiss on his cheek and climbed down the treehouse. Sam followed.

We went home and I went straight to my room and cried in my pillow.

I hated my life right now.
Sam walks in my room.

"Bud I'm sorry" he quietly said and sat on the edge of my bed.

I lifted my head up and looked at him with tears coming down my face.

"Life is so hard sometimes" I said

"I know bud" he said quietly

"Why are you so hard on me" I said

He sighed then said "I get so stressed out to the fact of parenting and being a dentist it takes up a lot of my time" he said

"Why haven't you gave up on me you are so stressed" I said

"I made a promise to our parents that I will take good care of you". Sam said

I sighed. "I can't handle being without them I need them but I can't have them back" I said

"I know Chip" He said quietly and hugged me then I started crying again in his chest.

10 min of crying. I lifted my head and got up. I went downstairs and had some frozen yogurt.
Sam followed and looks at me.


Ok. He's eating frozen yogurt not good for him.
We both went through a lot when our parents died.

I looked at him in disagreement.
"You really should not be eating that" i said

"I went through a lot bro I deserve something" Chip said.

I sighed. "Fine Fine Fine" I said as I walked away into the other room.

Chip POV

I sat on the counter eating frozen yogurt. The coldness hit my cavity and caused a sharp pain.

"Ow my tooth" I quietly said

Sam heard me. He walks in the kitchen and crossed his arms.

"I heard that" he sneered

I got up and put the frozen yogurt away. I rubbed my cheek as my tooth was still in pain.

"Stupid cavity" I groan
"That's what you get for eating all that sugar your gonna have to say hello to me. Drill tommorow" Sam said as he turned around and walks out of the room.

I walked toward the front room where he was in. I leaned on the doorway.

"I've bet you never had a cavity in your life" I smirk

"Nope But has my wisdom teeth extraction boy that was hell" he chuckles and puts his hands on the back of his head and relaxed on the couch.

"Was it worse then mine?" I chuckle

"No.. it just hurt like hell afterward" he said and looks at me chuckling.

"I hated when you forced me into the chair and strapped me up!" I snap

"You deserves that" he said and looked back down at his phone.

"You could of taken your time and maybe you would have not" I said angrily

I stomp over to him and grabbed his phone out of his hand.
"HEY" Sam roared
I ran upstairs with his phone and hid it. I started laughing my ass off. I sat on my bed staring at the door waiting for him.

He stomped angrily up the stairs and barged into my room.

"Go find it" I smirk

He comes over to my bed and did a body search of me. "Where is it" he scolded

I put his phone in my dresser under some shirts. "Look in my desk" I smirked he opened my desk drawers and his eyes widened. He found all my junk food.

"Chip What's all this food doing here?" He says

"Umm I bought it because you won't let me have it" I say

"I specifically said no junk food in the house" he said he goes out of the room. Goes downstairs grabs a trash bag comes back up and puts all my junk food in it. "This is going where it the trash!" He says and walks out of my room with all my junk food.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now