Chapter 23- my brother is a asshole

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I chased him out of the bedroom. "Fuck you" I yell and slam my door.

I slide down and sat with my head between my knees and let tears fall.

"I hate my life" I cry

I can't talk to Jack because he took my phone.
I can't run away. I am forced to stay with him because of the stupid government.

I walk to my bathroom and break my toothbrush in half.
"Screw dentistry" I yell

I fell asleep a few hours later.

I woke up in the morning sometime it was late I slept a long time.
I was in a better mood I didn't know what got into me.

I went downstairs and Sam was not there he was at work.
I went back up stairs and had some Cheetos i had stashed away.
I played my music loud
I danced when eating junk food.
My brother came home and opened my door and his mouth dropped open.

"What the hell is going on!" He said

I noticed and stopped my music. I was eating some other junk. I had a Coca Cola in my hand.

I was in deep shit.

I chuckled nervously. "Uh I was hungry duh you don't keep good food in the house"

"Is that soda in your hand?" He snaps pointing at my soda

"No.." I say

"It is quit your lying" he said and he snags the soda out of my hands takes it to the bathroom and pours it down the sink.

I stood in my room and hid my junk food.
I sat on my bed with my head in my hands

Sam walked back in.

"I already know your gonna blow a shit at me" I say
"You know how unhealthy soda is for your teeth?" He says

I looked up at him.
"I know that because whenever I have sugar you give me a lecture, you health freak" I scolded

His raises his eyebrow. "Health freak, Welp  I'm giving you a good brushing tonight" he said and walks out my bedroom closing the door behind him.

"Whatever" I grabbed my Cheetos from my secret place. A sharp pain scorched through my mouth.

I put the Cheetos back. "Uh oh" I said to myself
My brother is already pissed and he's brushing my teeth tonight.
A cavity was most likely forming in my mouth. Should I tell Sam? Nope that's not going to happen.

A few hours later

"Chip dinner!" My brother called from downstairs
"I'm not hungry" I called back

"You better eat some" he said

"Fine" I groaned and headed downstairs.

I sat at the table and ate some dinner I chewed on my other side where there was no pain. Sam noticed how I was eating

"You Alright Chip" He asked calmly

"Yea I'm fine" I said

I finished my dinner plate, rinsed it off and put it in the sink. I went back upstairs.
What am I gonna do? He is gonna find out tonight anyways.

I chilled on my phone. I must have dozed off because I woke up to Sam tapping my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I mumbled

"It's time to brush your teeth mr. Winston" sam said

"Can I just brush them" I said

"No your not" Sam said

He grabs my arm and leads me to the bathroom.
He grabs my toothbrush puts some toothpaste on it.
"Open" He said
I stared at him with my toothbrush
I yanked it out of his grip.

"I'll do it myself" I scolded

I started brushing my own teeth.
He yanked it from my hand and forced my mouth open and he started brushing my teeth

"Umm Chip" He said

"Hmm" I said

"You have a small cavity forming" he gave me a serious look.

I bit his finger. "No shit Sherlock! I felt is earlier!" I snap
I stomped to my room he stared at me with an angry expression. He then tended to his finger.
Once he was done tending to his finger he came back to my room with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Why didn't you tell me I would've fixed it" he says in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Obviously I was gonna tell you sooner or later." I mocked and rolled my eyes.

"I'm not supposed to work tommorow the office is closed but this is kind of an emergency and we probably will go in tommorow" he said

"Can't it wait" I whined

"No. It can't a cavity is important to get fixed" sam said

I stood up and stepped on my brothers foot really hard. I left my room. I put my shoes on and I left the house. I went to Jacks and hid in his treehouse. I started crying.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now