An average day

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I woke up and it was raining outside it was around 7 am I got up and headed downstairs.
Sam was sitting on the counter drinking coffee.

"Sup Sam" I say In a tired voice and yawned

"Hey" He said as he was putting his coffee cup down and walking towards me.

"What?" I chuckle

"You wanna try again today?" He asked calmly

"No I'm done with your dentistry crap" I say

He sighed. "We will try another day I guess" he said as he walks to the other room.

I went back upstairs and started on my schoolwork.
Sam came upstairs ten minutes later and opened my door

"I'm leaving for work Chip you better decide when you wanna get braces" he said as he shut my door and went to work.

I thought about what sam said. I don't want braces but I might look cool with braces.

I nodded it off and continued my school work.
I didn't realize what time it was. My brother came up to my room in his scrubs still
"Hey have you thought about it" sam said

"Ehh. Not really because I don't want them" I say still not looking at him. I noticed the time it was 3. "Chip look at Me" sam said

I looked at him slowly. "What?"
"You are getting braces if you like it or not I want you to have that perfect smile" he said as he waved his hands in the air

I chuckled and got up from my chair and left my bedroom.
Leaving Sam in my room staring at me
"I wasn't done talking to you Chip Nelson" he says as he was getting slightly angry.

"I was done listening " I said as I was heading down the stairs and putting on my slip on converse and leaving the house and walked.


He left me. He's in trouble. I was still talking to him. I changed my clothes and put on my shoes  and grabbed my keys and headed out the door locking it behind me.

I found chip walking away from the house listening to music out loud.


Hello all my lovely readers
Any ideas for coming chapters?
Also would someone make a cover for this book it will be cool

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now