A few years later

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I had my cast removed. No arguments between me and Sam thankfully. But it's almost  my 6mo cleaning and I'm supposed to get my braces removed soon by Derek. I grew half a inch almost as tall as my brother

I woke up it was a sunny morning in the springtime I was now 17 and in high school.

"Chip!" My brother called
"Yes Sam" I said as I come downstairs

"So it's almost time for you to choose a career I life" He says

"Well I haven't chose one yet"  I answer

"Well why don't you train to be a dental assistant?" He asked

"Uh I don't know Sam you know my fear right" I say nervously.

"But its a starter I'm willing to help train you" he says

"Let me think about it sam okay?" He says

"Sounds good. By the way your almost time for your cleaning and you get to get your braces off" Sam said

I gasped and was excited "let's go" I say

We went to his office I got passed my checkup no fights with my brother. And got my braces off by Derek. Today been a good day. But being a future dentist assistant I don't think I want to be?

I sat on the couch watching greys anatomy and Sam came in with a few books that had post it notes sticking out. He hands them to me.

"What is this?" I say

"Books that I used in college to become a dentist" he said

I opened one of the books and dentistry looks hard.
I closed the book. "I don't think I want to be a dental assistant Sam"

"Why not?" He asks

"You know my fear" I say quietly

His eyes widened. "I do know that Chip but it will be exciting"

"I guess I can try" I say

"Welp it's your choice Chip I'm not going to pressure you"he says

"I want to be one just need time" I said "or maybe another type of doctor you know?"

"It's your choice" he says

"Also Tommorow is brace removal day" Sam said

I turned my head and my eyes widened.
"No flipping way" I said in a excited way.

"I'm serious also you are due for another checkup soon with me which is also today" he said

"Well I'm excited for my braces to come off but does that mean I'll need a retainer?" I asked

"Yes" sam said

"Do retainers hurt how long do I have to wear an retainer" I complain

"Only a year mostly at night" sam said

"What happens if I don't wear one" I say

"Your teeth will shift" sam says

"Oh.. well shall we get to the appointment then" I say

We got our shoes on and Sam grabbed his keys and we were off to his office finally I'll be getting braces off!!!

(A/n)  I'm gonna do a sequel of this book where Chip and Jack are married and have a kid and they both have a career. Chips career is a surprise, Jack a Children's doctor and their life is awesome or shall I continue this book

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now