Chapter 15- Jack my boyfriends story

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We got to school Jack kind of fell asleep while on my shoulder. I nudged him awake smiling at him and kissing him on the cheek.

We walked into school together. "Do u wanna hang out after school I have an appointment with you know what." I said

"Yes actually that will be nice your brother is so tourtirous anyways" jack laughed

"Don't you dare start I had tough experiences with him too" I laugh

"Oh we can tell our stories with Dr.Winston later at my house my mom won't mind" he says

The end of the day came. I went over to jacks house his mom was actually very nice.

We went to his room and we both sat on his bed.
"So you wanna talk about past experiences with my brother,Dr.Winston his real name is Sam" I say

"I'll go first,this was a year and a half ago. So my mom got one of those reminders in the mail. She said she was taking me to the movies.She lies to me and drove me to your brothers office I refused to get out of the car.She went in and got your brother he carried me in and restrained me to the chair,I refused to open my mouth he put me mouth prop in and he found 2 cavities. He..he only put some gel on and did the procedure it really hurt.I went home and cried and cried because I was in a lot of pain that's why I don't like him very much" he said

"Oh god. Jack I'm sorry he did that to you" I say I hugged him

"Now I should say my story.well my brother overheard a conversation while I was on the computer complaining of a toothache. I said I was joking but he took it seriously I think. Then dinner came and he noticed I winced when I hit my sore tooth. Then the next day he forced me to the office I lied to him about how I'll be good so I bolted off to the park. He found me he lied to me again I was strapped and put through the procedure which was two cavities and a root canal" I say

"Oh dear baby. I'm sorry" he says

"He does it to me a lot when I refuse he's gonna blow a shit at me when I get home" I laughed nervously.

"Don't worry ill protect you" he says

He kissed me on the cheek. We did homework together. We watched some Netflix while snuggling I decided to go home after the movie we were watching

I got home. And...Sam was there staring at me with an angry expression I chuckled nervously.

"Say it" I mock

"Where were you? Why didn't you come?" He scolds angrily

"Don't you realize I don't give a shit" I mocked

"I think you will Once this appointment is over" he says as he comes up grabs me with a death grip,locks the door,and drags me to the car as we drive to the office

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now